I'll catch you- Theo

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A/N: I used this song in the last imagine, but it fits so well so here!

SONG: Wash. By Bon Iver 

The night is young when the sound of a rock hitting my bedroom window has me waking up in a heartbeat. I live in a small house in a decent neighborhood, boarding the busier side of the city. But creepy noises have always made me nervous, especially ones that occur at almost eleven o'clock at night. I creep slowly to the glass and lean to peel over the edge into the garden below.

But instead of finding a creepy old man, I see a familiar face. Shrouded in moonlight and wearing a beanie on his disheveled brown hair, my close friend Theo stands almost completely in the bushes below my window. I cover my mouth with my hand before unlacing my window to peek my head out.

"Theo! You almost gave me a heart attack! I was asleep, you know!" I cry softly down at him. "What are you doing here?"

The man chuckles while adjusting his jacket. "You know, I was just in the area-"

I raise an eyebrow." "When are you ever in this part of town besides from meeting up with me, Mr. Raeken."

Theo grins, knowing I caught him in his lie. I admire the way his cheeks turn red as he explains himself. He's always been my other half and being with him as always brought me adventures. I wouldn't give up my moments with him for the world. "Fine, I drove out here in my truck because I wanted to hangout with you."

"But why are you throwing rocks at my window and standing in my bushes like a perv? Literally just knock on my door like a normal human-being."

He groans. "C'mon. That's not the point. I want you to sneak out with me tonight, just the two of us." The way his words make it seem like we're a couple, however, we've always just been friends. When we were teenagers, Theo introduced himself to me and I thought he was cute. Then, what I thought would be a meaningless fling has now turned into an amazing friendship. I've never tried to push it any further, afraid that if I do, I'll ruin our relationship forever.

"Theo," I say, placing my head into my hands. Tomorrow morning, I have to be up early and a good night sleep could benefit me in the long run.

"Y/N," He responds in a playful voice. "Come on, are you going to leave me out here standing in the weeds all night?"

Finally, I cave. "Fine! Let me put on a better outfit and I'll be down." My closet suddenly seems void of anything good, but I decide on a pair of baggy jeans and a tank top with some boots. Nothing too special but enough to look presentable. From out the window, I can hear Theo humming the tune to an upbeat song I can't quite place. I smile at the sound of his voice.

"Okay, I'm ready. I'll be downstairs in a second!" I yell, grabbing my bag hanging on my mirror.

"Wait! Come back to the window!" He cries back.

I roll my eyes but obey his wishes. Down in the bushes, he extends his arms out to me and flexes his fingers, motioning me towards him. "Jump," He says. "Jump down, I'll catch you."

"Theo, are you crazy?" I say, exasperated. "What is up with you tonight? You're acting like a teenager."

He smiles and winks, putting a blush to my cheeks. "Just cruising with the thrill of life, baby."

"Oh, shut up." A few moments of silence are taken for me to study the height of the fall and after a bit of contemplation, I whisper, "You'll catch me, right?"

"Of course! I'd never let you fall." I narrow my eyes, making him stutter. "Never, I swear!"

His words are reassuring enough so I swing my legs outside to let them dangle over the edge for a few seconds. Theo still has his hands outstretched towards me, giving me nods of encouragement. It feels like I'm a teenager again, not an adult still trying to find a way in life. A kid, just for a few hours. And Theo is the perfect person to be with during this.

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