Camping Trip! -Stiles.

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(Sorry for any spelling mistakes this has been sitting in my drafts and I need to post more for you guys!)

I would be lying if I said school wasn't stressing me out to the point it drove me insane.

So I decided to take a trip, a camping trip. My parents didn't let me go alone since I'm not old enough so I have my best friend from California, Allison letting me fly out to her for the weekend.

She told me a lot was happening in her life so she needed one as well so it worked out for the both of us.


I grabbed my luggage and ran up to Allison.

"I haven't seen you since last summer! Is California better? Any cute guys-" I jumped into her arms, exploding in questions.

It's not just every day your best friend moves away from you.

"Calm down!" She grinned. "California is uhm..interesting."

"We should get going to the campsite." She helped me with my bags and drove our way to the camp.

I missed days like this where we could just rant and rant about everything. She was the one person who had my back and she had to move because her father said the hunting area is better for money here.

I was happy for her, of course I was but I knew she was hiding something.

"What is it?" I groaned.

"What?" She looked over, confused.

"I know there's something you want to say." I waited for it, it was coming.

She eventually gave in. "There may be this boy..-"

"I KNEW IT!" I screamed.

"SH SH!" She shushed me out as she spoke up about this boy again. "His name is Scott, we actually have some classes together but he's cute." She smiled just talking about him.

God, she was hooked.

"So this mysterious bo-" She cut me off correcting my words. "Scott, it's Scott Y/n."

"Okay, well is Scott coming on this trip?"

"NO! No?! Are you crazy?! We barely know each other..we talk a little but that's it." She drove in to the place and we got settled down, agreeing for a walk since it was getting late but still a good summer evening breeze.

We were just catching up on what we missed in each other's life until we got interrupted by some laughs.

"Yeah isn't it crazy-"


Me and Allison shot each other looks, then we broke into laughter as well.

We shrugged it off till Allison pulled me to the ground.

"Bitch, you could have killed me you know- at least give me a warni-"

"SHUT UP!" She whispered into my ear. She stayed low to the ground which just confused me more.

She pointed to a tree.

"A tree? Seriously Allison? It's pretty but why did we have to shoot down to the ground- it's not laser tag." I murmured.

"No you idiot! Look down!" She pointed once again but lower.

My eyes slowly ran down the roots of the tree to meet with different eyes.

A boy, or should I say boys but that wasn't the point. I met eyes with a certain boy.

"RUN- FUCK!" I grabbed onto Allison and we didn't waste any time running.

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