Minecraft- Stiles

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Stiles Pov

I was playing Minecraft with Scott when she walked in with her bag. She was sleeping over because we always did our study time with each other on Friday then after we finish our studying we stay up doing a movie marathon.

"Oh hey Y/n!" I wave to her then return talking to Scott.

"Hi! Oh is that Scott?" She asked.


"Hey Scott!" She came over and said to the call.

"Yo!" He replied.

"You know you can't play Minecraft all night. You wanted me to help you with studying." She said in a serious tone.

"I know I know just wait, go lay on my bed for 15 minutes I'll be done soon I promise." I smiled at her then looked back at my screen seeing a zombie.

"SCOTT BEHIND YOU! BAHHA!" I screamed into the call.

"WhaT- AH!"


Y/n Pov

20 minutes went by and all he was doing was screaming back and forth playing Minecraft with Scott. I didn't care if he played Minecraft I could care less but it's the fact that he invited me to help him study and I brought all this stuff just to sit in his room. Maybe if he invited me to just hangout I wouldn't care but it's the fact that he acts like i'm not even here. I was ready to just get up and leave and forget the movie night and let him just have fun with Scott.

"Hey woah where you going?" I heard him walk off.

"Oh uh, you were busy with Scott so I just decided it was better if I left. We can do this another day go have fun with Scott." I walked around him grabbing my books.

"But I finished with him- I told you it's just 15 minutes." He tried talking me out of it.

"25 minutes." I corrected.

"Sorry.." He mumbled.

"It's fine you were busy having fun. You go continue with him." I gave him a soft smile.

"No." He responded quickly.

"What- What do you mean no?" I laughed awkwardly.

"I made plans with you. I wanna hangout with you. How about me and you cancel the study idea and just hangout and actually have fun. You are still sleeping over and having a movie marathon with me too." He took my bag off my shoulder.


"No seriously."

"Okay okay. What can we do?" I asked.


"Sorry what? You only play that with Scott and I've never played before I mean maybe once with my brother but I have no idea how to really play." I stood there.

"That's why I'll be teaching you, duh." He said sitting in his chair.

"Okay uh- lemme get a chair hold on."

"Nope. Sit here." He pointed to his lap.

"Stiles wh-" As I was talking he wrapped his arms around my waist and sat me on his lap while he lifted his head on my shoulder so he could see the screen.

"That's better. You are cute when you are blushing you know?" He teased.

"Shut up! Just teach me how to play." I looked back at the screen.

"Here," He placed his hands on top of mine showing me how to break the blocks and place them. "So if you press this key right here that's how you break a block then this key is how you place it."

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