Theo Raeken.

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"You've always been a manipulative fucking bitch." He mutters coldy.

I slap him. Hard. Putting all my pent up anger into that slap. His face automatically turning to the side from the impact of the slap. The side of his mouth turns up into a smirk.

I push against his chest in utter rage, pushing him hard with all my force to relive my hatred.

"I HATE YOU!" I push him away for the second time so hard he backs up.

I walk towards him again, angry and irritated by his presence, wanting to hit him again.

But as soon as I get to him, I grab his shirt and push my lips against his, hard.

He stills for a second, shocked at the contact, but quickly realizes and opens his mouth to deepen the kiss.

I kiss him hard, aggressively, to show him how much I hate him as he does the same.

There was a long strain of silence in the air, this time not as neutral, but more like competition to come up with something to say.

Why did he make me feel this way? He treated me truly awful but at the same time I stay with him to fix him. I know he can be better than this he just needs someone who cares enough to stay with him. We all do.

I know he is trying to push me away before he does something stupid, he says all these rude words to hurt me. He is scared of giving in, He's scared to get hurt again. All he wants is someone to care even after he does his stupid actions he doesn't really mean to do.

"It's so unfair." He finally broke the silence.

"What is?"

"Why are the best people so unreachable? Like, they're right there. Yet you can't have them so what's the point?"

I repeat it over and over again in my head. unreachable.

"She's almost exactly like a drug, injecting herself in me, showing me how great it feels when I'm with her. It makes me always push her away because I know I will get addicted by the way she makes me feel. I can't be, that's weak. Love is weak Y/n."

"Who is this girl anyways?"

"It's you."

"Why do you want me so much? You are completely out of my league." He's rich, really attractive, he can get anyone he wants. "What could I possibly have that you want so much?"

He stayed quiet for a while, leaving , me uncertain and my heart sinking in anxiety waiting for a response.

"You seem to fill this emptiness in me.." He admits more quietly. "Theres this void literally no one else can fix, but you. And it's frustrating, but.. you make everything better. I don't know how, but you make my soul content." he admits more slowly, like he's carefully picking out the right words to say. And he did. "There you happy?" The corner of his mouth turns up.

I look down at my hands on my lap, overwhelmed with bliss. He makes me feel loved yet makes me feel so worthless. We wouldn't work but I love him. "Yeah." I whisper since my eyes started to water and my throat tightens.

No one has ever made me feel this kind of loved before. It's different.

"How can you like me. I don't understand how you feel like that with me. I can't help but feel like a burden to everyone that knows me." I start, filling the slience. "Every person I talk to, I feel like they secretly hate me, and every action I do is the wrong one. It feels like I'm always doing something wrong."

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