We're toxic for each other -Thomas.

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They had just escaped the glade and they all felt relieved. All those months locked up in pure torture never knowing when someone would die or something be thrown at them.

They genuinely have no one, no parents or relatives. None can even remember what they were like or what they looked like to find them. They're stuck all alone in this world.

Just some teens in this world, and some kid named Chuck. Who are completely lost and terrified at anything that comes at them.

They all have no idea who did this to them expect Thomas.


Me and Thomas have a complicated story to tell or even explain. I don't know what we are and what we feel for each other but all I know is, I crave that feeling every night.

Is it so bad that I want him? After all the insults we call each other when we are stressed at each other or frustrated. All the rivalry I have with him. The hatred and backstabbing with Teresa. I can't help but love him. I've never loved before or at least I think I haven't, I can't remember my past life which sucks. I bet I would be better at these feelings things.

Yes, we fought and argued like there is no tomorrow but we all know the two of us enjoy it. I think we love each other but the hatred between us makes it more exciting.


The moon looked beautiful but the reflection of its hazy moonlight back on my skin was the definition of beauty. My window in my room had a perfect view of it. It's like I'm back at home; the glade. I never thought I would miss it but now seeing I'm far from it, it's like I want it to be like that again. The bonfires, the morning laughs at the tables.

We recently had escaped the glade and now we are at this huge building protecting us from cranks. This man named Janson runs tests on me all day long or either asks me questions about the glade which most of the time I lie to him because I don't trust him. He's made sure me and Thomas don't see each other at all. I miss him, I miss newt- I miss all of them. I really miss Gally.

Maybe it's better off if it's like this? Better off alone and far away from him. Thomas and I aren't good for each other so maybe this was all meant to happen.


"I'll hurt anyone who hurts you." He promised while his fingers traced her skin, trailing down to her chin.

Tears looked like ribbons drifting down her pale cheek. Puffy eyes looking at each other in horror for what was going to go down.

He looked at her while broken shrieks tear from her throat.

"I always said, I'd hurt whoever hurts you."

He whimpers, his eyes becoming a sticky red. His fingers starting to tremble as he holds the gun against his head.

A bang going through the room, leaving the poor girl to scream in sobs and run to the lifeless body.

"GALLY!" The girl cried and cried out without realizing her body was getting dragged away.


Gally never hurt me the way he may of thought he did, yeah he called me some rude names and bossed me around but it made him like an older brother towards me. It got taken away from me, right in front of me.

I miss him, a lot.

I miss them all, but Janson hasn't told me I'm allowed yet. I have to take more testing and be asked more questions which I think i've done enough of but clearly not.

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