Stiles Gif.

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"Stiles?!" Y/n called out, looking around the field

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"Stiles?!" Y/n called out, looking around the field. "Where the hell is my boyfriend?" She groaned while looking around.

"Right here." Peter snickered behind her with Stiles.

She immediately turned around and looked to find her boyfriend, broken down into tears.

"What did you do to him." She gasped.

"I taught him reality." Peter laughed.

"Yeah like werewolf's weren't enough for him?" She spat back at him.

"Attitude..I like this one too Stiles. No wonder you love her." Peter smirked.

Stiles stood silent as Peter kept on going with his words.

"You move and Stiles oh your sweet Stiles has my claws dig into his neck." Peter smiled.

"Move Y/N MOVE!" Stiles cried.

"WHATS HAPPENING?" I heard Scott scream out as he ran onto the lacrosse field.

"You tell me Scott." Y/n crossed her arms, clearly lost.

"Oh look your Alpha came to the rescue." Peter teased as he dug his claws into his neck.

Screams and cries leaving Stiles.

"STOP! STOP! PLEASE GOD STOP IT!" Y/n screamed at Peter.

"Why are you doing this? We have done what you wanted for this whole time and this- this is how you repay us?" Scott called out.

"He deserves it." Peter growled.

"No he doesn't, I do." Scott howled.

"Alright stop the puppy games and just get to the point for fuck sake!" Y/n whined.

"I caught Stiles kissing Malia." Peter yelled out.

My heart felt like it stopped.

My own best friend? I mean I knew Malia found him cute but really? I never would think she could take it that far.

"Are you sure- I mean maybe the full moon is making you act up?" Y/n laughed nervously while backing up into Scott's chest.

"Y/n.." Scott whispered out.

"I don't wanna be here anymore, take care of his shit." She looked back at him and rolled her eyes.

As she left Stiles could feel himself rage of anger.

"YOU LIAR!" Stiles yelled as Peter threw him to the ground.

"Malia likes you so it's easier to blame it with her, plus Y/n can't be with you." Peter shrugged.

"Why not?!" Scott argued.

"Derek needs her." Peter stated.

"You bitch." Stiles yelled as he rubbed the back of his neck and running for Y/n while he could.

"Y/N DON'T DO THIS CMON!" Stiles called out.

"Go away Stiles.." She groaned.

"You know I wouldn't do such a thing." He frowned.

"And how would I know she wouldn't? She likes you Stiles!" She fought back.

"I love you and-" Stiles tried to fight back but it was useless.

"Oh don't go with the I love you shit, if you honestly loved me Malia wouldn't even be the one in this fight. MY OWN BEST FRIEND."

"I can't help she likes me?!" Stiles flipped out.

"Yeah I know but you can control your relationship with her, maybe just friends instead of close friends?!"

"I'm done here." Stiles sighed.

"There you go just giving up again." Y/n pouted sarcastically.

That ticked Stiles off.

"I'm not giving up, I'm just tired of dealing with everyone else's problems when mine don't even matter to them." He gave a fake smile.

Her mouth flew open while her hand slapped over her mouth.

"Yeah the truth is a dick but the worst part is that you believed we kissed when we never even did." Stiles shook his head and walked out.

"So we are just done?!" She yelled back.


Gullible is what she is.

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