He isn't heartless.- Mitch Rapp.

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"Mitch are you home?" I called out as I took my coat off, hanging it up.

"Oh little Y/n..how could you fall for a guy that is heartless, stone cold-" I felt a cold breath whisper against my neck.

As I interrupted his bullshit, I couldn't care less if it got me hurt I wouldn't let him say things like that about someone who he has no idea of what he's been through.

"Oh cut the bullshit, what do you want?" All that ran through my head was Mitch's words.

Don't show them fear, it attracts them.

I would never let anyone do something to you because of my actions okay my love?

Mitch wasn't here, is he hurt?

All I cared about was Mitch right now.

"I'm just going to show Mitch he shouldn't take things unless he wants the same thing done." I heard the man snicker behind me.

"I don't remember why I'm needed?" I scoff at the man.

"If I hurt you, it attracts him towards us. Love is pathetic." The older guy grasp on me gets tighter as I try to fight it off.

"Don't make me do something I don't wanna do." He whispered once again, sending goosebumps against my skin.

"If you hurt me, he's gonna kill you." I rolled my eyes while trying to hide the fact that my life depended on any action or word I do or say.

"Well," As the guy spun me around so I faced him. "Lucky Mitch gets to see his girl..die..right..in front, of him." He chuckled right in my face.

My throat began to tighten as each word left his lips.

How could someone be okay by taking a life that did nothing to them.

He ran his hands over my pockets and finally found my phone to message Mitch.

As I heard the phone ring instead I could tell how badly this would go.

"Baby, I can't talk right n-"

As the older man grinned and interrupted him. "I don't think Y/n can answer right now..is that right baby."

I gave a confused look before I felt sharp pain shooting through my body making me scream in pain, cries leaving my mouth.

All I wanted was Mitch but there was no hope that it would end any time soon.

"I swear to god-" I could hear things being thrown on the other side of the call.

Mitch wasn't the type to get sad, he's the one to get mad.

He would never hurt me ever, but he would kill any person who dared to touch me.

I heard the other side of the call hang up and the other guy laughed saying how he wouldn't come but I knew Mitch and this meant he was already on his way here.

As the torture and burning my body went on for hours, I could feel my body getting weaker.

I started to shut my eyes but they fluttered open as he smacked me.

"Wake the fuck up before I-"

As we both heard a door slam open and everyone's attention looked over, I felt my breath calm down as I met eye contact with Hurley.

"Before you what?" I heard Mitch spat out. "Touch her one more time, lay one more finger on her and I will fucking kill you with my bare hands." A small smile appeared on my face as Mitch got more protective over me. "Do you hear me?" The man stayed silent, that caused Mitch to get even more pissed. Mitch slammed the guy into the wall which made shivers send down my spine. "I SAID DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?" The man nodded aggressively.

I totally forget about the other man behind me.

As I felt something cold touch my temple I looked up to see a gun.

Cries started to escape my mouth which made Mitch whip his head over to me.

"I think you messed with the wrong people man." I saw Mitch smirk as I heard a crack behind me while the gun dropped to the floor.

I went to turn around but Mitch gently turned my head before I could see a lifeless body. "You're alright, I'm here, I'm so sorry my love.." He cooed out as I held him tighter.

As they escorted me and Mitch out to a well hidden safe house it made me question how much danger was I in now.

"Mitch?" I lifted my head towards him.

"You only really call me Mitch when it's serious so what's wrong?" He looked down at me as he cupped my face into his hands.

"Do you think I'm a target now?" I sighed.

"Yeah, but hey I won't let anybody or anyone take you away from me. Look from today, we got you." He soothed out.

As I nodded I decided to climb onto his lap and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer for comfort from everything today.

The man driving us sent Mitch a look but Mitch sent a small smile as he pulled me closer.

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