Woman. - Mitch Rapp.

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(I know this isn't teen wolf but why not?)

"Here is your new partner you are working with." Hurley introduced us.

"I've had my suspicions about you Ms. Rory but I must say your boss sent me the most beautiful backstabbing bitch." He smirked grabbing my wrist and pulling me into a small side room.

"You would know all about backstabbing Mr. Rapp." I snapped back before pushing my knee up to his stomach with full force making him loosen his grip. I moved away from the wall he pushed me up against, walking to the center of the room. My eyes wandered around the room looking for an exit but I had no where to go. Every exit was guarded by dozens of guards who held snipers in their hands ready to shoot on commend. 


"I don't know what I want more, you or your death." He devilishly chuckled circling around me.

"Look at me." He demanded. I let out a sigh before turning around to look up at him.

"I don't have time for your little tantrums, either you fix your fucking attitude or I'll fix it for you." he growled, his hands gripping my face as his fingers pinched into my cheeks. "Now I want you to go inside with Victor while I'm gone and I don't want to hear shit about you being difficult, understand?" He said letting me go of my face, still staring down at me.

"Fuck off." I said rolling my eyes.

"Keep it up, Natalie." He chuckled turning around.


The mission was tonight, I had to flirt with this man to get information for Mitch. I was forbidden to do the dirty work because I'm a woman and they think I'm weak so to get information I need to put my body out there. I was disgusted by this but I never have a choice.

I just don't get it with men, they think that a woman needs their protection every second of the day because we're "too weak" like what type of bullshit is that.

As the man walked up to the table getting further and deeper into the conversation I interrupt him.

"I'm not interested." I smiled fakely turning away and taking a sip of my water. I could feel Mitch's eyes on us miles away.

"Just one date." The man said putting his hand up my thigh.

I lifted my dress a little higher revealing the gun I had strapped on me. "Listen fucker I told you I'm not fucking interested so you either leave me the fuck alone or I will fucking end your shit right here, right now." I hushed the words out to the pale man.

I quickly got up out of my seat walking my way to the bathroom until it went black.

That wasn't the plan, I didn't do what Mitch wanted and I didn't give a fuck. I'm showing him what a real woman is. They aren't some toy to just use and then throw away after.

I was thrown to the ground and after working with these types of people for years I was actually scared.

"I told you the plan and you just had to piss me off didn't you?" Mitch joked sarcastically.

"I like being alone, which means working alone." I spat at him. "I don't care about your plan! We both know at the end of this I'll be dead and you will be here." I gritted my teeth at him.

"So then why were you sent here?" He lowered himself to my tied up body.

"I never wanted to be here!" I murmured at him.

"What?" His eyes glanced back at mine trying to find an answer.

"You really think I want this? My life to be in danger? I did this to be heard and yet look at me." I joked. "I'm tied up because I didn't do your plan, I always have to be someones toy and if I don't make you pleased I'm hurt." I shook my head disappointed.

"You aren't a toy Nat.." He looked back at the guards, "You can leave for a little."

"Then what am I Mitch?" I glanced back up at the boy, returning the look he sent me.

"Thats not for me to say, that's for you to find out." 

Sometimes, in order to win you have to loose.

"I hate you." I mumbled at him, sucking up my tears and cries for him to hug me, make me feel loved, noticed, heard.

"No you don't baby." He teased.

"You're right, but I want to so fucking bad, bitch." 

"You can't hate someone who made you feel loved years ago." He laughed.

"Please let me go." I begged, finally I showed him emotion. I was tired.

"Oh cmon you think after I just got you? I would just let you go?" He taunted.

"If I was given a time machine, you know what I'd do?" He nodded. "I would go back in time, so that I never met you." I spat at him.

"You really hate me that much?" He laughed.

"Now hate's a strong word, but when it's used against you," I choked up on my words from crying, "Hate seems to weak to describe what you do." 

He stayed silent, he untied me as he had tears at the own brim of his eyes.

"I'm selfish. I want you all to myself but I'm not safe for you and I need to let you go, years after years searching for someone running from me." He got up and turned around walking to the door, before he walked out he sent one last look. "I'm sorry." He added.

I sat with his ropes in my hands, I had this need to chase after him and want him and show him that I needed him. He's toxic and broken but so am I. 

So I got up and ran, I pushed my body to run. I craved his touch because I needed to be loved.

"Natalie..?" He stopped in his tracks and turned.

"I know you are toxic and you could hurt me but I'm addicted to the hurt you can put me in." I hugged him. I actually hugged him.

I sobbed into his shoulder, craving his attention. I wanted to be heard.

"The only reason why I chased after you was because you made me feel okay." He hugged me tighter.

I lost him.

I lost again.

I learnt.

I lived.

I won.

Everything was going to be okay.

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