Cheesy shit! - Stiles.

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THIS MAY BE A LONG ONE, this imagine also involves them being older and moved in together.

"Oh, come on! Just tell me that you guys cheated or something. How did you get Lydia to the End without dying? How did you get her through the Nether?" Stiles asked, resting his head on his hand, propping himself up on his elbow to look down at Y/n. 

They had somehow both found themselves on Stiles's bed, something that wasn't really all that new for either of them. When they had been children, they would have sleepovers. As teenagers, they would hang out in each other's rooms. It was never awkward or worrying or troublesome. It was just them. They were so used to this behavior that they hadn't even thought to anything differently.

"We didn't cheat!" Y/n laughed. "We thought about it, but we didn't cheat."

Y/n turned her head to look over at Stiles, her breath catching in her lungs. He was already looking down at her, a soft smile on his face, his eyes alight with joy.

He truly didn't care if they had cheated or not, he just liked to tease her. He loved watching her pretend to get angry at his accusations, fighting his own grin when she burst into fit of giggles.

Stiles loved just watching Y/n be Y/n.

So, there he was, smiling down at her as he supported his head with his arm. Y/n had looked away again but then looked back at him. Their eyes met, and Stiles couldn't help but look down at Y/n's mouth.

He wanted to badly tell himself he wanted to look at her smile, but even after her lips closed, he was still staring. Stiles tore his eyes away, looking around his room once, licking his own lip.

Stiles returned his gaze to Y/n, and a moment passed between them, no words spoken.

Two seconds. Three seconds.

"Can I kiss you?" Stiles whispered into the silence of his room.

Y/n's mouth fell open, her eyes widening slightly before she mirrored Stiles's position, holding her own head up, resting on her elbow.

(In this scene I was listening to the song Poison Ivy by Hemi Moore so I recommend listening to that durning this!!)

"What?" She asked.

Stiles felt the panic rising. He wanted to kick himself. She didn't feel the same way about him and he had just messed everything up.

"I-- I don't--" Stiles stumbled over his words.

"Why?" Y/n questioned.

Why. Stiles was wondering that too. He didn't know why he said it right then and there, out of nowhere. He didn't know why he assumed Y/n would agree after they had been friends for so long. Why would she ever want him to.

Questions filled Stiles's head like a mantra, repeating the same thing over and over. Why why why.

Neither Stiles nor Y/n moved, staying as they were for a long moment, tension saturating the air around them until Stiles felt like he was suffocating in it. Y/n suddenly moved, throwing herself forward and burying her face into Stiles's neck, breathing deeply, flinching  slightly when he wrapped an arm around her back.

"I don't-- We don't have--" Stiles stuttered.

He couldn't form sentences. He couldn't form thoughts anymore.

Eventually, Y/n raised her head, her mouth mere centimes from Stiles's. She nodded slightly.


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