Fighting back? I'm fighting back the truth.- Stiles

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Me and Stiles recently have been fighting.

I mean we fight about the littlest things for no reason. He gets mad at me if I talk to another boy and ignore him for like 3 minutes. We have been friends since the beginning of high school and this was our last year of school. He never acted like this, ever. He's always so stubborn when I bring these fights up. He never admits it's his fault ever and it's so annoying that I just flip out more on him.

These fights have been going on for a month now and I'm getting tired of it. All I wanted was him back. I was loosing myself in the process fighting these monsters and loosing my best friend.

I just wish for once he wouldn't blame me or someone else. It's his actions that are doing it, but no it's my fault that I do this and I do that. He screamed at me for going outside on a walk alone. I can't even have alone time anymore outside.

Scott even agrees that he is being dramatic.

These stupid fucking creatures are ruining my life. My relationships with friends. My school life. Everything.


Stiles knocked on my door as I let him in.

"Stiles?" I tilt my head wondering why he's here.

He was standing in the pouring rain. His jeep no where in sight. Did he run? I mean like run in the rain to my house?

"Stiles what do you want? If you came here to have a fight with me then I will slam this door in your face." I groaned.

"Y/n for once don't make this about fights and just stop with the attitude please." He almost ran out of breath as he said it.

"Sorry what I'm the one who starts the fights? Last time I checked the fights start because of you. It's because of you Stiles. It's always you fucking screaming in my face then storming out. I don't know where that innocent sweet boy went but if you find him tell him I miss him." Before I slammed the door shut on his face I mumbled something else but he didn't hear it.


A few days went by.

"Y/n please let me in!" Stiles pounded on the door.

"What do you want this time!" I open it seeing him shaking.

"Panic attack? Go get Lydia." I went to shut the door but he stopped me.

"No not that. If it was one I wouldn't go to her anyways. Please just let me in. I know I haven't been the best but you need to hear me out." I swear I could hear that innocent freshman boy. I was probably going crazy because I missed him so much.

"I'm giving you 10 minutes. After that I'm going off on you." I let him in and got him water as I sat down at the island in my kitchen.


"Oh sorry let me take this first. I'll be right back." I picked up my phone that was ringing.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Is this Y/n Y/L/N?" I heard a voice respond.

"Yes this is her? Who is this and how do you know my name like full name?" I freaked out a little.

"I'm sorry to inform you but both of your parents have officially passed on. They are gone. I'm sorry for your los-" Before they could finish I hung up the phone and dropped to the floor. I couldn't even explain as how I felt in the moment. I just broke down. All the things that i've built up just crashed and it feels like I just need a hug. All these fights with Stiles. My teachers screaming that I'm not passing. These creatures coming to kill all my friends including me. Now my parents gone.

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