Remembering. - Thomas.

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"Hey," A voice called from behind. Currently I was sitting on a log looking at the grass-thinking of my new life that had started over three weeks ago.

A smile lit up on my face, seeing it was Thomas. He sat beside me on the log, taking in the scenery of the woods as well. "Hey," I smiled.

We sat in peaceful silence, continuing to observe the nature around us.

"So...have you remembered anything else?" He questioned.

I sighed, "No. Just my name, and a few bits and pieces of my family." He simply nodded, looking down. "I'm sorry," I apologized.

Thomas had informed me a few weeks ago, we were in a serious relationship before he was placed inside of the Glade.

We had dated for a few years, and I made him promise that he would try his best not to forget me and he didn't. Unfortunately, I did.

Once I had arrived in the Glade, Thomas thought our relationship would continue where it left off-but it's kind of hard to when every memory I have of us is gone.

I still find him attractive and I wouldn't mind having a relationship with him, but I couldn't imagine how he feels. He comes into this hellhole being in love with a girl, remembering everything about her- and I come in seeing him as nothing but a stranger.

"It's fine...we'll work through this." He assured, grabbing ahold of my hand.


The next morning had rolled around, and Thomas and Minho had set off on their run. I watched as they ran into the maze, and I looked around making sure no one was watching me.

Even though it was completely idiotic- I had planned to enter in the maze and get stung by a Griever.

They say once you do you get some memories back, and I was hoping that once getting stung I would get some memories of me and Thomas.

Once making sure I was completely in the clear, I walked into the maze and looked around as I did so. I took off into a run making sure no one could see even a shadow of me, and once I was sure I was far enough inside- I slowed down to a walk.

Minutes after minutes had passed, and not a Griever in sight. I knew they were more common at night, but at times they do come out in the day- I think.

What felt like hours had passed, when I realized I was completely lost.

"Thomas!" I called, hoping he'd hear me and guide me home. "Minho!" I shouted, hoping someone would come and find me. "Other one's?!" I exclaimed, not knowing the other runners name's.

No one had responded, and seconds later a loud inhuman scream occurred. My eyes widened, recognizing it as a Griever.

Within seconds, the owner of the inhuman sound stood before me.

It released a loud screech once again, as I took off in a sprint.

At first the idea of getting stung was great, but then after coming face to face with one of those things- I changed my mind.

My small legs were no match for the big spider machine thing, and within seconds I felt a needle prick into my neck.

I released a painful scream due to the burning sensation, and then hit the ground.

Everything around me became a blur, as purple blotches soon clouded my vision- then turning my world black.

Within moments- multiple memories began hitting me at once:

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