She's right there. - Stiles.

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Stiles POV.

It was like I could hear someone listening to music and sobbing but I was alone in my room trying to sleep.

It was 2:00 A.M in the morning and I have school tomorrow.

I eventually fell asleep as the cries calmed down but it freaked me out, I had to tell Scott.


All I wanted was him, Stiles.

A fictional character who wasn't even real I mean he doesn't even know my existence.

I just wanted a hug from a boy who seemed so lovable on the screen.

I dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom, got ready for school.

Everyday is the same, nothing new would happen today.

Stiles POV.

As I was explaining what I was going through last night to Scott all I could think about who was the girl?

Why was she repeating my name over and over again.

"She just, she kept crying and repeatedly saying my name." I shrugged while putting my bag next to me as we sat down.

"Who did?" Issac said as he snuck up to the table.

"That's the thing, we don't know." Scott sighed as he continued to flip through pages of books.

I could feel a wave of wind push past me going straight to the bathroom. I instantly got up and ran to the bathroom while the boys gave confused looks.

I looked right into the bathroom mirror, looking for answers.

"Stiles.." I heard a voice call out, word after word sending shivers.

"WHO ARE YOU!" I yelled back in response.

I saw a girl flash in the mirror.

Tears rolling down her small face then she left. She was gone.

"This isn't real." I kept muttering to myself.

"Stiles.." I heard a gentle voice call out.

I looked back up to see just myself in the frame.

I wish it was someone else.


I've tried so hard for months to shift but nothing has worked, I'm still in this stupid fucking reality that we call life.

I mean seriously we make such good people that we can't have but that we can watch, I'd rather know no one like that so then I don't cry myself to sleep begging for that person.

I mean I'm saying these things like I won't try and shift again when I'm going to try again tonight.

I always try.

The pack seemed like lovely people to meet but what would they think of me?

That thought always made me smile.

Stiles POV.

It was the end of school and I immediately rushed to Deaton with Scott.

This girl I keep hearing and now seeing in the mirror is freaking me out.

"I've heard of this before boys, I call it." He paused for a second before looking back at me. "A different reality, something much more powerful then you think it is. A girl is calling out to you Stiles you must let her in, you hear her calls let her in Stiles allow her to this world." Deaton explained.

"And what happens if I can't let her in? What if I'm not strong enough?"

"Just don't it be to late Stiles." Deaton patted my shoulder and started to gather materials up.

"What are you doing with him?" Scott froze up.

"I'm getting it ready for him." Deaton replied calmly.

"It?!" I tensed up.

"She's going to try tonight and you make sure to pull her hand into this universe, no matter how hard it is you pull." He glared.

"Y-yep, just pull." I gave a thumbs up and gave a scared expression to Scott.


I ran into my house, throwing my bag onto the ground and crawling into bed.

Closing my eyes and imaging I was there.

I knew what I had to do.

I could feel my body telling myself to do it, it was the right time.

I could feel cold hands grab my wrist.

"Stiles?" I called out.

"PULL! SHES SO CLOSE!" I heard a deeper voice yell.

"Why does it hurt.." I murmured.

"Scott is she dead?" I heard a softer voice call out to another boy.

"Shake her." The lower voice appeared again.

I felt my body start to shake it felt like glass shards being thrown at my body to wake up.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as my eyes began to shutter open.

I looked down to see a boys hand in my hand and wondered my eyes up to see Stiles looking at me.

"Stiles." I jumped up.

"You are the girl from the-"

"You're real." I looked over to Scott. "And so are you."

"You are safe, you have me." Stiles calmed me down while hugging me.

Third person POV.

As Y/n parents walked into her room to see her fragile bloody body all cut up.

"OH MY GOD MY LITTLE GIRL!" Her mom screamed as she ran up to her daughter and cupped her cheeks trying to wake her up.

"Y/n.." Her father whispered as tears fell down his cheeks seeing his daughter cold and pale.

A small smile appeared on her face as her pulse disappeared.

She was happy at last.

In the universe that understood her.

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