Crawling back to you. Stiles.

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"Do I even want to know the story this time?" I opened Stiles door to see 2 boys passed out on the floor with papers every where.

"Y/N! Hey.. ahaha, funny story we were just reading about-" Stiles rambled.

"Werewolf? Why would you dig this much about them. Wolves itself haven't been in beacon hills for over 60 years now." I sighed picking the papers up.

"School project." Scott smiled.

"What class? I wanna help. Myths are cool to read about." I looked back at the papers in my hands.

Stiles ripped the papers out my hands. "Coaches class."

"I'm in that class and we are learning about-"

"Stiles was wrong it's our new history teacher class." Scott corrected.

I looked at the boys confused. What were they hiding? "Okay, I'll go."


A week has gone by and I ignored them both. They could tell each other but not me? I thought they were talking about me at first but it wasn't that. It hurt that my own friends can't trust me so I just made the choice for them. I cut myself off from the trio. I could see they were stressed so I just did my best not to be nosy and make them more annoyed so I cut it off.

Every day I walk into school I see his cheesy grin but by each day turn into stressed face slowly over time. Did I even wanna know what they got into?

I continued to walk to the field. Malia invited me to watch practice and I decided I needed a break so I joined.

"Hey! You came." She scooted over so I could sit down.

"Of course! So is this the football practice?" I question, I've been avoiding lacrosse because of them.

"Lacrosse." She smirked.

"Malia I need to leave. Ive been avoiding them and you know this." I groaned getting up.

"Stiles needs to talk to you. Do you see him? He's drained without you." She begged.

"I'm sorry for interrupting this talk but I was hoping you would stay." I heard a quiet voice behind me. "I asked her to bring you here hoping you would talk to me or at least send me a smile." Stiles shook his head.

"I'm done here. Stiles whatever you are doing good luck." I sent a fake smile trying to be nice.

"You don't understand-"

"You are right I don't and that's because maybe for weeks I was trying to understand but you both kept quiet so I did the job and distanced myself." I stared into his eyes hoping for him to understand.

"We wanted to protect you Y/n." Scott chipped in.

"protect our friendship? Or protect my life because I would rather protect our friendship because I would do anything for you both but instead you run off and I get to watch my 2 best friends hide things while I'm on the side lines!" I watched them send looks towards each other.

"Thats what I thought. You guys have a good day and go to practice." I jumped down from the bleachers and ran off.

Stiles POV.

"Do I even wanna know if these feelings go both ways? She seems like she wants us both out of her life for good now." I mumbled.

'I'm sorry guys I tried." Malia packed her things up and walked off to Lydia.

"I don't blame her." I could hear Jackson snicker behind us.

"Shut up Jackson you aren't in this." Scott growled.

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