Dancing in the rain! - Scott.

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Y/n hurried around her room, trying to find a paper that was due the next day. Scott lays on her bed, sighing as he bites back a smile.

"You should have done this a week ago, kid." Scott had recently started calling her kid, due to their age and height difference. Y/n hated it, but Scott found it amusing.

"Okay well it's not my fault I lost it." She hissed, digging through her backpack. It began to pour rain outside.

"We should go dance in the rain." Scott blurts out.
Y/n stops for a moment.

"Since when do you dance?" She asks. Scott shrugs.

"It's better than stressing over a paper that won't matter after eighth grade." He says confidently, throwing the stuffed animal he was holding at her bed. He sits up. "Don't ya think?"

"I have to find this paper, Scott." She continues to look, Scott sighs.

"If I find it, we're dancing in the rain." Scott gets up and begins to look around. He slips his foot beneath the corner of Y/n's bed and slides out a white sheet of paper, and he picks it up carefully. He clears his throat. Y/n turns to face him.

"WHAT?!" She snatches the paper. "How did you- what?!" She stutters. He shrugs before snatching the paper out of her hands and putting it in her back.

"Now, we dance." He exits her room, and his footsteps fade down the stairs before she hears the front door open. She follows, walking out of the door and into the rain. She shivers.

"It's freezing!" She yells, jogging after Scott to the end of her driveway. She heard him yell something but can't make out what it is over the rain. Once she catches up, she frowns.

"There isn't even any music!" Y/n says. She shields his phone from the rain with his hands, and turns on a song full volume.

"It won't be loud, but it's music." Stand by me by Ben E. King wasn't something that Y/n ever imagined dancing to, and especially not with Scott. But he grabbed her hand, and made her dance anyway. They couldn't help but laugh when they slipped on a puddle beneath them.

Y/n felt free in sense. Rain washed over her face, and she felt like she was almost complete. As she watched Scott laugh and smile at her, it fills her with an overwhelming sort of comfort.

She felt like she belonged.

But she wondered if he felt that way too. The next song was her favorite song, Where is my mind by The Pixies. She smiled and continued to dance, pretty much moving in a circle around Scott.

Where is my mind, where is my mind?

Way out, in the water see it swimming.

A few moments the two locked eyes, and she could have sworn that he had this glint in his eye, one that she hadn't seen before, but then they continued to dance.

She felt free.

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