Did you just slap me? - Issac.

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All he grew up in was a toxic household so who could blame him that one little thing she did could tick him off enough to hit her.

Every once and a while there would be fights but she would forgive easily because she was gullible.

She believed every word he said.

"I didn't mean too."
"It's because of my father."

This was the first major fight they ever had.

"Issac, I'm home!" Y/n called out as she dropped her bag onto the table looking around the house for him.

"Issac?!" She called out confused of why he was no where to be found.

"You are so fucking obnoxious, you know that?" She heard Issac growl behind her.

Her body tensed up as she could feel a fight arriving.

"I know Issac. You remind me every other day." She sighed as she turned around to see Issac glaring at her.

"Yeah and clearly you don't learn how to shut up from me reminding you." His voice started to get louder.

"What do you mean Issac?" She started to back up as he grabbed a glass cup and lifted it higher into the air.

He threw it at her, sending glass everywhere.

She heard him chuckle as she flinched.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Y/n screamed at him.

"You don't yell at me-" He tried to argue but she was completely done.

"NO YOU DON'T JUST THROW GLASS AT YOUR GIRLFRIEND THAT HAS BELIEVED EVERY SINGLE LIE." She grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

Issac got madder at her decisions and decided to hit her.

He hit her.


The loud sound echoed through the room between the two.

What has their love come too?

She slowly raised her hand to her cheek.

She had tears rolling down her face while looking right at him.

"Did you just hit me?" She tried to process everything in that moment.

Issac froze up as he just realized his actions.

He tried to beg her to stay but she was so tired of being so easy to have back.

"Don't let this be the end baby." He begged as he started to walk over to her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME- YOU- YOU ARE SICK!" She pushed him back as he got silent.

He could sense her fear with him.

She was scared of him.

"My heart can't take this Y/n- my dad did this to me, this is why I'm the way I am-"

"You know at first I really started to believe you but I'm sorry to break it to you Issac but your father is dead and that means he isn't around anymore to make you the way you are or control you to lie and hit people you love or at least I thought you loved." She spat back at him.

"You can't tell me how I can act or how I can't, you didn't grow up in a abusive household you will never know how it feels. HIS WORDS LEFT AN IMPACT ON ME! He may be dead but his actions still power over me." Issac yelled back but more in a calmer tone.

"You are just gonna let him walk over you like that? You are a werewolf you can turn that shit off." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah well not all of us are human Y/n. So if this is the last thing I have of being human then I'm keeping it."

"I thought you loved me?" Y/n cried out.

"No. I thought you loved me enough to understand why I'm like this. I mean for fuck sake Y/n I'm a werewolf with trauma that makes me like this and you think all the sudden you walk in and can fix me? Change me? I'm stuck like this forever Y/n, I have to learn to live with it. So if you can't live with that news then leave. Go."  He pointed to the door and waited.

"So you want me gone just like that? Pathetic." She laughed as she grabbed her things.

"I tried to love you, I really tried but no one taught me how to love." Issac whispered out to her as she slammed the door shut on his face.


Y/n drove to Allison's place to talk about the fight they had about 2 weeks ago.

"Why am I like this? I mean he's right, I will never understand what he's been through but that doesn't mean I don't care- I mean he told me to leave." Y/n shrugged as she crawled into Allison's bed.

"Just because he doesn't love you the way you want him too, doesn't mean he doesn't love you with everything he has." Allison sighed as she explained to Y/n. "He told you to leave for the best before he did something worse."

"I just wanna help-"

"You can't help someone who you don't understand Y/n."

"That is fucked up." Y/n threw her hands up into the air.

"You know what else is?" Allison looked over to Y/n.

"Hm what?" Y/n intrigued to know.

"You being in a toxic relationship of just lies and fights." She smirked as Y/n fell onto her bed, on her back.

"I know, I was never very fond of lies, but I guess his were just too pretty to resist." She sighed as she looked up to the ceiling.

"It was bound to end."

Yet she never imagined it to be such a tragic ending.

"Yeah I know." Y/n gave a small smile trying to cope with everything.

Everybody saw how he looked at her
with such admiration and awe,
although they couldn't quite understand why
he was the boy who didn't care about anything
and she was the girl who cared about everything
yet she was the girl he directly looked out for,
the girl he unsuccessfully ignored.
Everybody could see right through him.
Well, everybody expect her.

She left her best friends house and locked herself up in the bathroom.

She cried into her hands,
her eyeliner ruined by her sobs.
Then she paused.

"People have it much worse."
She thought to herself,
sucking back in all of the tears,
along with all of the terrible
emotion she had expressed.
"Much worse." She decided.

"He has it much worse."

The love that would never be right.

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