Monster. - Issac

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I think people don't understand what that actually takes when you're in a relationship to say 'I love you' to someone.

That means you have to,

respect them

you have to be loyal to them

you have to cherish them

and lastly you have to give them your attention.

If not all those things are there then you don't actually love them.

It's you

It's always been you

It will always be you.


My back was to his chest, his arms wrapped around me, large enough to cover my arms and most of my upper body, almost totally enveloped in him as I'm curled tightly against him. It looked almost as if he was trying to protect me, shielding me with his arms, trying to hold and cover as much parts of me possible.

His arms were heavy, adding pressure and weight on top of me, but it was the good kind of pressure. The kind that makes you realize you aren't lonely and someones actually here, the kind of weight that gives you a reminder of comfort and reassurance. I loved feeling that someones there.

It's gone. 

"Y/n!" My father called out to me.

"Coming father!" I rushed down the stairs seeing what he needed.

"Issac is here my dear, have fun." He pushed me along to my boyfriend in the door.

"Issac!" I squealed.

"Hope you didn't miss me too much, I just had to do some things with Boyd but let's get going." He wrapped his hands around my shoulders, pulling me tighter into his warm grasp.

I loved his feeling, the way he made me feel and how he expressed his feelings.


"We are here!" He opened my door while I gazed around to see beautiful mountains.

"Issac did all of this?" My jaw was hanging open, it was stunning.

"You deserve the world and although I can't give it to you at least I can try?" He shrugged and pulled me into his arms while pecking my lips.

"You are my world." I smirked at the boy who gasped.

"Smooth Y/n smooth.."

The rest of the afternoon we relaxed and joked until we heard screams and sirens.

"Issac do you hear that?" I scanned the area.

"Hm? Hear what my love-" His eyes went wide.

"Issac what is that?" I pointed to the red and blue lights flashing and turning around the corner.

"I'm sorry." He let a sigh out.

"Sorry for what Issac?" 

"This." He climbed out the car, he gave in.

"WE GOT HIM! STAY BACK!" I heard cops yell.

"BEAST!" I heard voices surround us.


"Nono father please.." I begged as I saw my father picked the arrow up. He was ready to shoot the love of my life. The one person I would give my life up for. The reason I'm still alive.

"You think I'm going to let my daughter date a," He took a breath and laughed, "A sick joke? He's going to hurt you and I'm saving you." I felt arms grab me and hold me still.

I had to watch him be tortured and killed.

"LET HIM GO PLEASE!" I sobbed and kicked, screamed for hours. "HE'S NOT BAD! HE NEVER HURT ME!" 

"T-That doesn't mean I won't sooner or later.." Issac coughed up blood, spitting out the sentence. 

"Don't say that! You aren't like those monsters okay? You weren't one and you never will be one, please listen to me Issac." I tried to sooth him but we both knew it was going to end the way it shouldn't have.

"Y/n please listen to your father-"

"FATHER? Please you aren't a dad figure to me anymore and I can't believe I thought you were my hero. I'm not your daughter and even if you were a dad to me, a dad wouldn't risk losing his kid." I gritted my teeth at the man.

"Losing?" He tilted his head.

"You have the man that I love on his knees for you to kill in-front of your DAUGHTER! YOUR LITTLE GIRL! I'm now starting to see that the monster around us isn't a 'werewolf' or 'vampire' it's been you." I screamed.

"Now you just lost the most important thing in your life by doing this."

"I'm doing the best I can dear, I just want to end this and be safe." My father sighed.

"Okay well, imagine how you would feel if I killed mom? You would go insane and hate the person who did that to her right?" I tried to get rid of the thought that Issac is dying.

"It won't happen but this will." He snarked at his comment and shot.

I dropped my eyes to a lifeless body.

"Let her go boys." The cops let me go as I ran to his body.

"Issac- nono.." I shake his body in fear and anxiety hoping a miracle would happen and he would just wake up! This isn't like the movies.

"ISSAC!" I shook his body harder while sobs escape.

"Now what are you gonna do without your teenage love story?" He shook his head. "You don't need him."

"I hope you rot in hell you asshole." I shot back at him. 

I looked back, trembling to his cold body.

"Y/n.." He spit out.

"Issac, baby! I'm here!" I smiled softy at his words.

"Please don't let yourself turn into this monster, fight it. I never wanted to be this." He cried.

"You aren't a monster do not call yourself that! I love that boy inside of you." I kissed his head.

"I'm too weak Y/n." I shook my head at his words.

"No- Issac no do not say that. You are one of the strongest people I know." 

He slowly closed his eyes and dropped to dead weight in my arms.

He was dead.

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