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It's been a year since her death and his disappearance.

"Stiles it feels so wrong that she isn't here anymore." I murmured.

"Well she would be proud of us for being strong." He smiled.

"We lost so many people and I never expected to lose her." I shook my head. "It's all my fault." 

"You couldn't do anything, it was too late. This was none of your fault." Stiles pulled me into a hug, a hug I needed like a brother hug.

"Thanks.." I gave him a smile and walked away to my car. I gave one last goodbye to Stiles driving off.



"I hate you!" She giggled.

"You don't mean that cmon?!" He continued to tickle the girl.

"I-" Giggle. "STOPP!" Giggle.

"Make me!" He pinned the girl down with his stupid smirk.

She pushed the boy off and climbed onto him.

"You don't wanna go that far..lover boy." She smirked sending the same smirk back which sent chills up his back.


As I chased Y/n around the house, laughing and giggling we both fell onto the couch looking into each other's eyes.

"Are you happy Y/n?" I asked her.

"Whenever I'm with you.." She smiled while kissing me.

"I love you." I smiled like a dork.

"I'll love you forever." She rested her head on my chest falling asleep.

I guess your and my forever didn't mean the same.

"Hey do you know that I truly love you?" I blurt out.

She tilts her head confused like a little puppy.

"Even if your eyes are brown, which is the most common eye color and almost eighty percent of the world population have them. I'd be lost in only the pair of your's."

"Well I love being with you Scott." She relaxed her stiff shoulders.

"Please don't leave me like she did. I can't loose you too." I froze in the moment of silence from her.

"You won't." She whispered in a hush voice.

"But what if one day, I open will open my eyes, I would be in my room laying in my bed. Without you. I would turn my head and see if you're there because you wouldn't be. I would go into the kitchen and see if you're there making coffee, eating breakfast. But you wouldn't be there? I would go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Alone. You wouldn't be there. Your face wouldn't appear next to mine in the mirror. Your laugh would be fainted but remembered sound. You wouldn't suggest to wear something matching. We wouldn't go out and meet our friends. Because it would only be me. We wouldn't spend the day being happy. I would think about you. We wouldn't walk to places and past houses like every other day. I would come home and lay in bed just staring at the ceiling, because what if nothing of this was real and it was just happening inside my head."

"Because it is Scott.. wake up." She whispered.

"What- NO NO NOT AGAIN!" I reached for her until I felt myself wake up.



"I can't do this anymore." She cried out to me and Stiles.

"Put the knife down Y/n PLEASE!" I choked on sobs.

Stiles couldn't even bring himself to reality after he saw his little sister have a knife to her throat.

"It was all a doesn't get better Scotty.." Her poor shaking soul scared and tired.

"If you let the right people help you, it does." Stiles reached out for her hand.

She backed up further and further each time.

"GET AWAY!" She pressed the knife harder.

"Are you really going to do this?" I shamed my head at her.

"What?" She stuttered.

"Being like Issac? You are being selfish like he was. I fell in love with you to do this? I lost Allison and moved onto you. I can't loose you." 

"Yes you can. You are so strong." She then as I blinked ended it.

"NO! NO!" I ran to her lifeless body shaking her to wake up.

Stiles ran his hands through his hair.

"My baby sister.." His jaw dropped knowing I couldn't even bite her. She was really gone.

"WAKE UP!" I kept shaking her. The tears falling down like a storm.

"SCOTT GIVE UP! SHES FUCKING GONE!" Stiles pulled him away from her cold body.


I guess your and my forever didn't mean the same.


Flash Forward.

It's been a year since her death and his disappearance.

"Stiles it feels so wrong that she isn't here anymore." I murmured.

"Well she would be proud of us for being strong." He smiled.

"We lost so many people and I never expected to lose her." I shook my head. "It's all my fault."

"You couldn't do anything, it was too late. This was none of your fault." Stiles pulled me into a hug, a hug I needed like a brother hug.

"Thanks.." I gave him a smile and walked away to my car. I gave one last goodbye to Stiles driving off.

Me and Stiles went our own ways after his disappearance and her death.

She was the, "I hate you' kind of girl.

He was the, "You know you love me." kind of boy.

They would tease the other and joke together.

But this isn't a love story.

Because then, after she said 'I hate myself.' he was at her gravestone whispering..'You know I love you." 

"I was too late." I whispered as I ran my fingers along her grave. 'I'm always too late. I was late to pursue my dad to stay in my life for my mom, I was late to save Allison. Now I was late to save you from your thoughts."

"Now you are gone too." I rested my head on her grave. "I wish I was as strong as you think I am." I sank lower to the ground.

"Goodbye.." I got up and drove off.

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