Her. - Liam.

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She was the girl that sat in the back of the classroom with a book.

He was the boy that screwed with girls hearts for fun.

Everyone wanted him.

The way he walked and talked,

and the way his hair flowed so nicely,

but she didn't.

She wasn't memorized by his deeply set eyes

or his messy hair

she could care less about him.

But knowing she didn't want him,

made him need her.

And from that day on,

he fought for her love.



Liams pov.

She loved the snow.

'The cold gave her a way to feel again, feel something.'

'So there she lays in the heavy snow until her body started to grow numb.'

I sighed as I set down my journal besides me.

All I could think about was her. I hurt her. I chose her best friend and I didn't even know why. I knew I didn't deserve her and I think that's why my body chose for me instead of my heart.

Y/n Diary.

I always envied her,
my best friend.
I shouldn't, but I did.
I mean how could I not?
She had everything I didn't
the body
the status
the boys.

You were the first boy to choose me over her.
I loved you for that,
it made me feel wanted and
You were the one thing I had that she didn't.

But then
you left.
You finally realized
she was better than me
in every way
and you wanted her.

You did the one thing that would ruin me
the one thing I was most afraid of.
You chose her
and now she has every single thing I longed for
including you.

It's always gonna be her.


I was walking into school as I sat down knowing he was besides me.

"Y/n-" He tried to call out before I put my hand over his mouth tired of his bullshit.

"Cut the shit and just admit it." I rolled my eyes.

"You know I love you-"

"Finish this after school maybe? Remember those certain words you told me? 'I can't act this way around my friends' remember?" I smirk and turn back to my paper blocking him out.

"Y/n please let me explain." He called out again.

"Liam I'll listen when I think you did the right thing to listen to it."

After that I saw him get up and walk out.


A few minutes go by and I hear the school announcements go off. It wasn't time what is going on?

"Y/n if you can hear and I know you can you need to hear me now. I don't care what everyone else thinks about us anymore or even me to be completely honest. That night when I lost you, I lost everything. I mean it, I let my body chose your best friend because I knew if I let my heart choose it would of picked you. I don't deserve you and we both know that but I can't stay away from you. I'm not the best guy and you can see that but if you could just listen to this and hear me out for me calling out my own dick head moves it would be nice." I could hear him being shaky and nervous. He's never spoke in front of everyone like and all listening to this. I was stuck with everyone's eyes on me.

"I wish I told you everything I loved about you before you left. The way your eyes lit up when you're telling something you're passionate about. The way you would just stare at me without saying a word and smile. Your e/c. I will never forget how I fell in love with your e/c. Your dog and the way you played with him like a child would, the way you loved your mom so so much and weren't afraid to admit it. The way you were scared to tell me what you hated most about yourself and the things you are not proud of but also the way you looked at me when you realized I loved you despite it. But it's too late now." He took a breath before finishing I could just hear him wanting to cry but holding it back trying to be strong.

"I loved every little thing about you but I guess this is how the story must end because of my stupid mistakes. I know I never said this before to anyone but i'm sorry." I heard the mic shut up and everything whispering around the class.

"Did the Liam just say sorry?"
"No way! He just admitted all of that."

Everything else mumbled as I packed my things up and ran out the door running out to the front of the school.

"LIAM! YOU IDIOT!" I finally see him and just want to hug him but I knew to stay stable.

"Why would you embarrass yourself in front of the whole school knowing I could not talk to you again?!"

"Because I love you and love makes you crazy and it makes you see what you really lost." He went to turn around but I turned him back again.

"You are so lucky that I fell in love with you and haven't fell out." I smashed my lips onto his and broke apart after a little for air.

"You love me still?"

"You are Liam every girl does."

"I don't want every girl, I want you."

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