I killed him.- Stiles.

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Recently Stiles has been acting difficult and different to talk too. He's not his sweet, sarcastic self. I would be lying to myself if I said I'm not worried for him. I just wanna help but he has pushed me away and I can't help but just sigh.

It's been about 2 weeks since Stiles officially said he doesn't want me to help him. We have been avoiding each other and I can't help but notice him and Scott aren't even talking. What has he done?

Scott ran up to me as I closed my locker.

"Scott, hey." I smiled.

"He killed him, Theo told me. Stiles killed Donovan." Scott shook his head. "I could of helped and saved both of them."

"What? Firstly Stiles isn't hurt?" I froze up at the information I got told.

"He's traumatized." Scott huffed.

"Okay, and you really expect me to believe Theo? Yes Stiles may have killed him but did you hear the full story? No." I scoff at him.

"He killed someone Y/n!" Scott snapped.

"It may have been self defense you idiot! You know Donovan wanted to kill him and his dad!" I shake my head at him, frustrated.

"Well he could have called me."

"Oh yeah totally, someone who's about to get killed just has the time to stop running and calls the hero. Well guess what Scott?"

"What?" He questions.

"Just because you are the Alpha doesn't mean you need to save everyone, you can't. That isn't your responsibility. Don't blame everyone's death on you. You can't help it and you can't save everyone. Eventually you will see that you can't always be a hero."


I cut him off. "You know what a hero would save? They would save their brother ship and stop listening to everyone else's story when they weren't even THERE!" I groan at Scott and walk off.

"Didn't he push you out of his life? Shouldn't you try and fight-" He tried to get my attention, which clearly ticked me off making me turn around.

"Trust me Scott I did and you know what he did? He pushed me out of his life. I tried everything I could and yet it didn't work. See? Not everyone can save everything." I sassed at him.

"Yeah he's a murderer now! Y/n do you hear yourself?"

"Do you see yourself? You're a fucking werewolf and do you see me scared? No. You shouldn't be talking about someone who killed someone when you could easily kill someone before he could." I spat at the boy.

"I-" He tried to explain but I didn't even give him the chance.

"And to think you are calling your best friend who helped you with everything, a murderer? I'm so disappointed in you right now. So I better see your ass run down this hall, through those doors, to him and hear the real story." I finish.

"Why are helping me save this Y/n? I don't deserve your help after I said all these things." He shook his head disappointed.

"Because I'm saving something that actually needs to be saved. He needs you way more then he will ever need me. Scott you are the one thing he had growing up as his mom died and the last thing he needs right now is to think he's a murder for 2 people." I murmured at him.

"2?" Scott asked.

"Scott he blames his mom death on him every night!" I yelled at him.

Scott eyes widened at my words.

"I need to leave-"

"Yeah you go do that." I smiled at Scott.

Scott's POV.

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