Those eyes. - Stiles.

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"Y/n wait up!" I heard my boyfriend of a week yell out.

"Yes?" I shrug.

"Yeah we are done, got it?" He laughed in my face.

I felt myself freeze up in the hallway.

In front of everyone, seriously?

I mean I liked him, I never loved him but it still hurt getting broken up in front of everyone.

"Y/n!" I heard Lydia yell out.

I didn't even realize I was crying but Lydia called me out and dragged me to the bathroom.

While I was getting dragged I met eyes with a furious Stiles.

Why could he be mad?

"Don't be crying over a bitch boy like him." Allison smiled.

"Yeah but it still hurts wether it was healthy or not." I mope as Lydia and Allison frown.

"You deserve better then to be broken up in front of everyone but you know what, act hot and act like you know where you stand." Lydia squealed as she lowered my clothing.

"Get this ugly jacket off, cmon seriously that?" She gagged.

"Oh whatever Lyds!" I giggle at her words which made her smile.

As I walked out the bathroom with a mini skirt and tiny shirt on with some red lipstick I could practically feel my ex boyfriend eyes drawn onto me.

"Told you." Lydia smirked as I rolled my eyes.

I felt powerful to be truthfully honest.

"Y/n-" I heard him say.

"Cut the bullshit." Allison sassed.

Scott chuckled behind us as I could see Stiles blushing at me.

"What do you want ass hat?" I argued with my ex.

"You- I was wrong and-" I was about to laugh in his face but Stiles did that for all of us actually.

"AHA! You messed up and you noticed now because what she's wearing something scandalous, buddy you look stupid because you didn't want her in sweats but you want her in a mini skirt. You want her for her body that's what you just said in your actions dumb ass."

"He's right." Scott agreed as I nodded my head with them.

"Do you remember when I kissed you at the party and.." He continued to just bring up memories of us.

"Those were lies." I blurt out as Lydia and Allison cheer on.

"Lies?" He froze up.

"Everything was a lie, you are just one big fucking lie." I smacked him hard and just because he deserves it.

I heard Stiles chuckle and I turned to look at him.

He sent a warm smile that sent me comfort while I did the same.

Its been a few months now and everyone is shipping me and Stiles.

I would be lying if I said I don't like him.

I'm like falling deeply for him.

He treats me right and he doesn't care what I look like actually he could care less. He makes me laugh, I could go on and on.

The dance was coming up and I was hoping he would take me but I feel like he would take Lydia.

I heard Scott come up to me and have a sad expression on his face.

"I'm sorry but please don't be upset at me okay?" He sighed as he looked back up at me.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I can't go to the dance but i'm sneaking in because of my grades so that means Jackson is taking Allison and Stiles is taking L-" I looked away knowing what was coming.

"Lydia." I finished for him as I felt a lump come into my throat.

"Yeah.." He stood still as he waited for me to say something.

Instead I just walked away. I mean what else can you do? Really nothing at all. It was just a dance anyways.

I ran up to Lydia and tried to act happy for her but I was going alone.

"Someone has a date?" I teased.

"I know you wanted him..I'm sorry." She sighed.

"It's no biggie, I'll just have a dance with Issac." I sent a smile to her which I could tell she needed to know I was okay with it all.

The dance.

As I sat down at the table, well alone seeing all my friends enjoying themselves I found myself sitting at a table alone just wishing the night could end.

I rested my head on my palm and mumbled the words of the song.

Until a slow song came up and that was my time to leave. I would just hide in the bathroom till the song ended.

"Y/n." Stiles called out.

I looked up as I saw his hand out.

I tilted my head at his actions.

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked as he was out of breath.

"Wha-" I was shocked at first of how fast he ran.

"Y/n get your cute little ass up and dance with me, I just had to deal with Jackson and his-" I laughed at how cute he was.

"Fine, but only because you look nice tonight." I joked.

I could feel him basically fist pumping the air.

As I wrapped my hands around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist, I rested my head on his shoulder as we swayed to the song.

"This is probably not the cutest way to tell you this but I think I'm falling in love with you Y/n." He tilted my head back to meet himself.

"Anything you do is pretty attractive Stiles if I say myself." I giggled at his cheeks blush.

"C-Can I kiss you?" He waited for my nod and he gladly kissed me.

"Best night ever!" He grinned as I was like screaming in my head.

I just kissed him. Holy shit.

"You look good in a suit." I mumbled in his ear.

"You look beautiful tonight, may I drive M'lady home?" He asked as he wrapped he held my hand.

"I'd like that a lot."

As he kissed my hand and opened the door for me we decided to just snuggle up in his jeep with me in his hoodie and him in a t-shirt watching movies and the stars.

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