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She looked at him strangely before opening it and pulling out a Reese's chocolate bar.

"You got me candy?" She sighed with a soft smile.

"Yeah.." He shrugged. "I mean you were all alone at this ice rank, thought maybe you would like someone to be here?"

"You weren't wrong. My date left me here stranded." She laughed it off.

"You with no date?! You are Y/N! How could someone be so-"

"Stiles its nothing. It happens all the time." I gave him a soft smile.

"If I had a chance to get with a girl I would never take it for granted." He sighed.

"You have girls chasing after you, you just don't see it because you are crazy about some other girl. Which you still won't tell me about since the third grade but Scott gets to know?" 

"Scott is my guy best friend, you are my girl best friend. I can't tell you its a bro thing." He smirked.



"Just tell me!" I screamed at him.


He loves her. He never loved me the way I have loved him. My late night thought were true. How could I be so stupid to think he would look at me the way my dream imagines.

"Y/n wait no its not-"

"Stiles just go." I tried pushing him away.

"Y/n its not her!"

"You said it yourself. Lydia is the girl you want." I tried to hold back the tears.

"Cmon we can't end like this- we have been friends forever you are just going to let some girl ruin us?" He shouted.

"Yeah I will- she isn't just a girl! She's Lydia Martin, the girl of your dreams and I'm tired of going day by day knowing im not that girl. The girl you will look at, the girl you will love, the girl you will protect. Just leave stiles I'm done being not enough to someone. All these days trying to find a man just to find myself crying in bed wanting it to be you- I'm done."

"You know that's not true. This isn't the way it was suppose to be please no." He begged.


"Please you know it. You promised the day I lost my mom. 'I will Never let anything happen to our friendship. Even our trio with Scott and us. If we split we always find a way back. We always do.' you promised!"

"We always do.. if we are really meant to be friends..we will find our way back." I walked out into the rain.

Teen wolf imagines:)Where stories live. Discover now