Bloopers- Tyler Posey.

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"Cut!" Jeff yelled at them. "Let's redo this again." He groaned.

Me as the makeup artist I just sit around and help do the makeup then sit on the side lines and watch them act. I love it tho, the bloopers are hilarious especially when Tyler tries to make me laugh at him.

"AhH!" I hear from behind me. I turn to see a hurt Tyler looking up at me giving a thumbs up.

"Oh my- are you okay Ty?" I try to hide my laughter under my breath.
"No." He groaned back and holding his head.
"Let's get an ice pack for you and rest on the couch for a little okay?" I look at him for an answer.
All he replied with was a simple nod before I went to get stuff for him while he trailed behind me.

"Oh Ty you are so clumsy sometimes." I rest and hold the ice for him on his head while he sits down.
"Hey I can't help it! I just fall for you every time I see you!" He pouts.
"Since when did you get so smooth?" I gasped.
"I got a few tricks up my sleeve what can I say?" He proudly said.
I shook my head and slowly got up.
"Alright how about you nap and I tell jeff that you hit your head pretty hard so you need a break?" I question him.
He sat up immediately, "Hey woah no I am fine Y/N." He got up showing me he was okay to keep going.
"Alright but if you need me I'll be in that room." I point over too where all the guys are getting makeup done.
He quickly nods and runs off.

About 25 minutes go by and it's back to acting again all the boys makeup is done!

Tyler's pov.

"Seriously stiles?! I can control myself see i'm in my sexy form." I started dancing with dylan and everyone started laughing at us while we had our moment.
"It's not stiles it's void- WHO WANTS MY FUCKING AUTOGRAPH?" Dylan yelled.
I jump a little and immediately look over at the camera scared for my life.
"Stiles you see- he hasn't been himself lately and when I say-" I went to take a sip when I felt dylan come and knock it out of my hand making me drenched with the water.
I look over to see Y/N dying of laughter over and over again trying to relax but that just made it worse.
"STILES MAN WTF!" I yelled.
"Again it's void, you know you aren't so bad yourself but i'm better-" that's when he fell to the floor dying of laughter himself and everyone else chipped in.

I look over to see herself enjoying every moment of us. I just hope we can have some off camera memories too.

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