Why not me?- Scott.

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"You don't love me Scott, you love the fact that I remind you of your dead ex girlfriend." I cried pushing him off of me and walking towards the elevator door.

"No Y/n." He said softly as he grabbed my hand, trying to stop me.

"Don't fucking touch me! I moved to Beacon Hills and genuinely thought you all liked me but it was just for me to find out- I can't do this!" I snapped, yanking my hand releasing myself from his grip.

He opens his mouth to speak, and we both know it's unfair what he's about to say. But he tells me anyway, his last ditch-effort to get through to me.

"Y/n, I love you."

My breath catches in my throat, hearing those three words that he's said to me dozens of times before. But hearing them this time feels like a stab to the chest, a painful reminder of the collateral damage of my self destruction.

"I—" I sob. "—I'm sorry, Scott."

I shake my head and rush into the elevator, not giving myself time to think. To give in to him. I take the notebook and pour through the doors.

As the elevator doors close, I watch as he breaks completely. Tears stream down his face, and he's braced against the wall. His eyes are empty, numbed of all the pain and sadness that I just inflicted on him. A shell of the man I love.

I did this to him. And I'm leaving him like this. Broken over me.

The doors close, and I fall onto the floor, cradling the notebook against my chest.

As the doors open and I rush out to the outside I hear another elevator door open and I see him walk out.

"You know I love you right?" He says weakly. He takes a step forward towards me and I'm too weak to move away.

"Don't lie to yourself." I reply not being able to look at him. Feeling as if I looked at him I would break.

"What? So you think I'm lying?" Pain evident in his voice.
"I don't know what to believe." I whisper.

"But I do." He takes my hands in his trying to make me look at him.

"No you don't." Pushing his hands away hastily.

"I do." He cries.

"NO YOU DON'T!" I face him with tears in my eyes.
"I do!" He cries mores. I just close my eyes to pained to even speak.

"You didn't even care to tell me that you were a werewolf, so please tell me why you think I should trust you?" I hissed at him.

"I wasn't ready- Allison just died and-"

"So what made you think to get a new girlfriend as soon as she died and not even tell you were some type of wolf?!" I flipped out on him as he stayed silent.


"You are right, I am leaving because I can't be in a relationship with a boy who can't trust me, yet is still grieving over his last relationship." I turned my back on him and left the hospital.

As I ran out, I ran right into his mom.

"Sweetheart hello!" She looked right down at her.

"I'm sorry- I couldn't do it anymore." I sobbed.

She caught on and looked inside to her son.

"He told you?"

"No..I found out- he hid things..so many things!" I cried more and more as I explained.

"You get home and rest while I talk to my son. I'll be at your house later okay?" She sighed as she walked away.

I couldn't do it anymore.

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