New Years kiss- Issac

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SONG: Dance, Baby! By boy pablo.


When I pull up in front of Lydia's house, I can already see the New Years party starting through the first floor window. Tattered Christmas lights still hang across her porch, probably because she's been too lazy to take them down only six days after the holiday. Issac texted me earlier to say that the party would start at 9, but now at 8:45, her kitchen already looks full.

To be honest, I don't know why Issac invited me. Sure, he's one of my good friends but tonight, there will be a lot of people attending that I don't know very well and I have a problem fitting in socially. It's hard for me to push my way into conversations with strangers without feeling awkward or unwanted. I almost declined the invitation but Issac insisted I show up so we can start off 2021 on the right foot together.

I grab the bottle of champagne laying on my back seat before trudging through the light layer of snow on her lawn and up the porch stairs. Loud voices from inside can already be distinctly when I ring the doorbell. It's hard not to feel anxious. It feels like I'm trembling more from my nerves rather than the cold wind stinging my skin.

"Y/N! You came!" Issac cheers, swinging open the door to welcome me with his typical wide smile. He's wearing a fuzzy navy sweater so when he embraces me, I already feel so much warmer. He has the way of doing that to me.

I laugh softly. "Well, you convinced me!"

"Come in! I have some people I want you to meet."

I knew some of his friends like Derek, he's.. well rather different than most I would say. Scott is a nice guy, super sweet and a gentleman when needed. Oh and Lydia, who I only saw once but she's someone who I could get closer too if we talked more.

We all go to school together but none of us have classes together except me and Issac, that's how we met each other.

With his hand on my shoulder, he guides me past the kitchen and through the clumps of people into the living room. The gesture feels almost protective in a way I enjoy immensely. People lounge across the couches and chairs, drinks in hand and celebratory paper hats askew on their heads. At the sight of us entering the room, people look up and wave. This isn't going as bad as I imagined.

"This is Y/N! She's a close friend of mine." Issac lifts his hand in my direction. "You'll love her, she's amazing."

"Hey, guys," I say softly.

The others smile and greet me before resuming their conversations. A couple of girls approach me to introduce themselves and hand me an empty cup to fill with the alcohol of my choice. Surprisingly, Issac doesn't leave my side like I presumed he would. He leads me to each different group spread around the room and even let me pick a song to blast on the speaker even if it wasn't his party, Lydia agree to let me take one song. 

SONG: Wash. by Bon Iver.

After endless conversations and dancing. Issac and I settle down beside each other in front of the TV.  Live news plays on low volume so I read the subtitle absentmindedly. Thought I pay no attention because I'm so focused on Issac's presence to my left.

"Having fun?" He asks, nudging me playfully with his elbow. There is a mischievous sparkle in his light eyes that brings a blush to my cheeks. I want to blame my newfound feelings on the alcohol but I've had less than a glass. "You still look nervous." 

"Of course I'm having fun." I chuckle. "There's still a lot of new people. But I'm glad you're here. To be honest, I thought I was going to be alone the whole party."

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