Eclipse - Issac

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SONG: The Perfect Girl by Mareux


I've always favored the planets, compared my life style to them as well.

Kalospia, not many people know what that is. It's my favorite thing I experience.

The delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.

The sun is deadly. Nearly a perfect ball of hot plasma that would melt us. The sun is heating up slowly which will kill all life on earth yet I find it memorizing. The glow it radiates onto our skin. How it melts into the sky during the late afternoons mixing into beautiful shades of colors that will never be the same. Every sunrise, every sunset is different.

I would say I'm aesthete. Someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature.

Everything I look at is in a deeper perspective-


The voice was soft not too harsh.

I spun around looking into eyes that were shockingly alamort. They were exhausted yet still had a bright color filled in them.

They are prettier than the sun and I don't say that often.

"Can I have a pencil?" He questioned.

A pencil is all the boy wants?

"Uhm- sure." I shrugged and gave him my pencil.

"Thank you." The boy and his lips created a masterpiece that lit his face up.

He is art.

"Of course, no problem." I started to turn around till he spoke once more.

"Issac. Issac Lahey."

Issac? Could this boy be even prettier.

"Y/N. Y/N Y/LN." I applied a small, gentle smile onto my lips to match his.


Y/N? The name was lovely, matched the master piece she already is.

How am I already folded over this girl.

I nodded and slid back into my seat.

The affect her scent has on me is unbearable. Werewolf instincts stink.

I hate everyone, always have. But her? The stupid warm smile she just sent me? How could anyone hate that?

Pathetic of me to even assume someone would have anything bad to say about her.

She's just too nice.

If I had to compare her to the moon which is my favorite thing, she's prettier than the damn moon.

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