Beach day:) -Dylan

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"Alright I'm almost done packing for the day." I called out to him.

"It's only for a weekend at the beach house anyways."

"Well still I like to be over packed."

"Are your parents and Julia still coming with us?" I asked him as I came down the stairs.

"Nope now it's just us unless we invite t-pose and them? Maybe Kaya and Thomas too?" He shrugged.

"I don't mind? If you wanna invite them do it. I'll be in the car getting it ready." I smiled.



"They aren't coming." He said seriously.

"Oh why?"

"Didn't want them too." He said back.

"What why?"

"I wanted it to be just us for once. I feel like we always bring people with us. I was hoping we could finally have something that's for our relationship, for just us." He replied.

"I'd like that, actually I would love that." I relaxed in the car.

"Good because we both need it for us."

"What do you mean Dyl?"

"I feel like we put everything over each other. I put my job over our relationship. I always have to fly out when you need me. It tears me apart and I feel like one day you are gonna be sick of me flying out always and never being here for you. I'm trying I really am I wanna be here with you. We put our friends in front of our relationship we invite them every where we go, anything we do. We never have time for ourselves anymore like we use too."

"Dylan, I know you always fly out and it's hard on both of us but think about it. It makes our relationship stronger, we make it work. Yes we never make time for each other but we still try and that's all the matters we both know we want this and that's what matters. We both are putting in effort to save this. You can't help that you have to fly out for your job, me knowing you are happy with what you are doing is enough."

"Y/n but what if I miss something important?"

"We both know if you were needed here for me you would fly back in a heartbeat. You would leave that set so fast."

"Well yeah of course I would."

"See, you love me more than your job. You would put me over getting thousands of dollars. That's what makes us work. I would do the same."

"Relief that feelings are mutual."

"Oh my- shut up! You know they are!"

He chucked as I laughed.


As we pulled up to the beach house me and him share one more glance at each other before getting out.

"You know, this is gonna be the best trip I've ever taken. I'm gonna make this one a weekend to remember." He sighed.

"Well let's get it started shall we?"

Dylan and I walked into the house to see a beautiful view of the beach leaving us both memorized.

Dylan and I walked into the house to see a beautiful view of the beach leaving us both memorized

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