I ignored the truth- Young Peter.

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"Are you back?" Y/n asks hopefully.

"No. We're leaving tomorrow. We just came back for a week to visit my grandma." Peter mumbled.

The two were at their spot, a huge field in his neighborhood that they both hung out in. They used to spend hours there. It was their safe place. It went on for miles, and it was surrounded by trees that helped them breathe when they felt like they were trapped or drowning. Flowers would appear on the fields adding more colors to the shades of green.

They would stay there to avoid going home.

"You've been here for a week? And you didn't think to TELL ME?!" Y/n yells.

"I wasn't thinking about you. Not everything's about you, Y/n. The world doesn't revolve around you." Peter snaps coldly.

"We've been best friends for eight years, Peter. Eight fucking YEARS!" Y/n yells, a desperate tone behind her voice. Peter started to walk away.

"You didn't even tell me you were leaving." She says, trying to catch up. "You didn't even give me a warning. Do you have any idea how it feels to find out from your neighbor that you're leaving for good?"

He stops walking.

"Peter you were the only person I had.." Tears form in the corners of Y/n's eyes. "I didn't even get to say goodbye." He started walking again.

"I didn't even get a note, or a letter, or a call. Or a fucking text. I got NOTHING. You just left. You just left me.. did you even know you were going to move?"


"Then why didn't you-"

"Can you stop talking?" He cuts her off. "Your voice, it's giving me a headache."

Y/n's heart sank.

"Can you just- can you tell me why? Why you're leaving.." She begs.

"My dad got a better position in New York. And he wants me to go to a better school." Y/n began to think of ways to mend their friendship. She listed ways to keep in touch, and everything else she could think of.

"God, you can't take the fucking hint can you? I don't want you in my life." Peter hisses. "You're never going to be good enough to make anyone stay. You aren't. Good. Enough."

Y/n began to shake. She began to apologize, wondering what she did wrong. She was blaming herself, battling her head.

"You're pathetic, you know that? I understand why you hate yourself."

"Stop." She whispers.

"Why do you think your own family doesn't want you?"

"Please stop." She begs, trying to catch her breath.

"You know..even your own brother..would pick drugs over you." He says slowly. Y/n's heart felt like it stopped. "Whats sad is that no matter what your dad, or anyone does to you, you'll still love them no matter what. If they abuse you mentally, and make you cry, you'll still love them. Because you're a weak, pathetic little bitch. You're a fucking embarrassment." He was emotionless. Y/n stands there and stares at his face, in denial.

"Open your fucking eyes, Y/n! Look around you! Don't you see how alone you are? And there's nobody to blame for that but you! How do you not see it? You're not good enough for anyone. You'll never be good enough, you're nothing." Y/n steps closer to him, a few inches from his face. She slaps him harder than ever, leaving a mark on his cheek.

"Who are you, Peter? What did I do to make you hate me so much?" She shouts.

"I already told you. I am not repeating myself. You know, you talk too much? And I had to put up with it for eight years. Everything always had to be about you." He says mockingly.

"That isn't true. Can't you see how HARD I try?"

"Well it's not good enough." He interrupts. "God you are so annoying."

He continues to insult Y/n, over and over. Each insult is a piece of clothing. He rips them off one by one, and she's never felt more defeated.

"Are you done?" She asks while staring at the ground.

"Yeah, I am." He begins to walk away. Y/n head reels.

Before he gets too far, Y/n catches up and locks her hand to his wrist. He continues to walk and ignore her. He yanks his keys out of his pocket as Y/n begs for him to stay, and soon enough he's inside of his car.

"Peter please!" She begs. It begins to snow. She shivers. Without warning, he drives off. He drives over the hill and he's out of sight, and he's gone.

She drops to her knees, sobbing.


After nearly ten minutes of crying in the snow as it piled up around me, I finally gathered the strength to stand.

God I was so angry.

I walked towards the field once again, noticing a small piece of paper floating around in the wind. I snatched it out of the air.

It read my name.


He couldn't have meant to leave this for me. He hates my guts. He hates me. I sob at the sight of his handwriting. I slowly open the piece of paper, the snow making my fingertips blue.


She sobbed.

She wondered if he was meant to give this to her, and forgot. Or maybe he just grew nervous and angry, and decided not to. But she read it anyway.

You've got to love yourself. You've got to wake up at four a.m. and make yourself coffee, we both know how much you love it. You've got to sit next to the man in the train station and make conversations.
You've got to come home from a bad day and burn your skin in the shower. You've got to stop taking everything so goddamn personal. Sleep in on Saturdays and wake up early on Sundays. Stop asking for everyone's opinions. Stop apologizing for things you had no fault in. Stop being so vulnerable to people's words. Fuck it. Love yourself kiddo. You've got to love yourself.


She crumbled the letter in anger, but a piece of her wanted to keep it. So she slid it into her back pocket and began to walk home, her feet soggy from the snow.


As I drove away, I began to cry. I don't cry often, and when I do it's guilt.
It's some type of remorse that I can't explain.

Y/n had promised me that she'd be by my side forever. She never used to make promises. She had this fear she'd break them, when she knew she wouldn't.

God. I want alcohol so strong it burns her fucking name out my throat.

Her voice broke my heart. It was weak, exhausted, and tired. I couldn't help but think.

And isn't it so strange that we carved our names into trees and acted as if we were claiming our territory on the world? We make wishes upon numbers and consider it as a sign from our guardian angels. We pick flowers from the ground and give them away as a token of love. And though the world is so cruel, I just wish to believe that we are falling in love with little things that keep us alive.

I wish.

Why was I leaving? I'm a cruel bastard who is a fucking werewolf. I saw what happened to Paige and I can't let that happen to her. I won't let it.

I won't let her die because of me.

I'm not leaving for my father. I'm leaving so they follow me, so they leave this town.

So she can be safe in the end.

Those words that spat out of my mouth meant nothing but it was all an act so she never wanted to see me again.

We will never work as much as I want it too. It won't.

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