game of chicken - Stiles.

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  sorry for this short one :(

SONG: this is what falling in love feels like by JVKE

It was a very cold January night. They had been dating for four months, and were basically in a game of chicken for who would say it first. Y/n was curled into Stiles's side, shivering despite the blanket over them. She was in one of his hoodies. They were watching Y/n's favorite movie, and she was giving it her full attention. 

Stiles, on the other hand, was completely enthralled by the girl next to him. She was so effortlessly herself. The warmth he felt whenever and wherever she touched him was nothing he'd ever felt before. 

Y/n could feel him looking at her. She looked up, her eyes finding themselves with warm, soft hazel eyes.

"Hi." She laughed.

"I love you." Stiles mumbled as he rested his cheek on her head. Y/n's eyes widened, and she moved so he had to sit back up again.


"Oh- nothing."

"No, you said I love you! You lost!" Y/n laughed, and Stiles cheeks burned red. "This whole time I thought it was gonna be me!"

"Wait, what?" His eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean you thought it was going to be you?"

"I thought I'd be the one to say it first."


"I love you, dumbass."

"Really?" Stiles asked, his head clouded with so many doubts.

"Of course." Y/n reassured him, and his insecure thoughts quickly vanished as she looked him in the eyes. Everything he needed, all the answers he could ask for, were contained in her eyes, her nose, her lips, the way she talked, the way she danced, and the way she was staring into his eyes like nothing else mattered. 

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