Summer Nights- Stiles

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It was summer which meant jeep sleepovers, blasting songs in his jeep, movies all night long and sneaking out with him.

Y/N Pov.
"Stiles! Are you ready?" I shout out to him.

"Almost baby!" He yelled back.

I turn on the car and plug my phone into aux. I can't wait for this road trip, me and him are going up to Oregon from California.

"Alright you excited?!" He jumped in and threw the blankets and pillow in the back.

"Oh for sure it's just you and me!" I squeal.

"Alright what's the first song?" He looked at you smiling with his cheesy grin.

"Classic." You started the song.

The song started 'Ay! where's the drums?'

Stiles the drummer boy he is pretends he is playing the drums and starting singing to me.

"Oooh girl you're shining." He winked at me.
"You're never going out of style." He continued.
Then I take over.
"This world might of gone crazy, the way you're savin me who could blame me? When I just wanna make you smileee!" I sung back at him.

"I wanna do you like Michael!" He shout.
"I wanna kiss you like prince!" I yelled back at him laughing.

"You're over my head, out of my mind! Thinking I was born in the wrong time! One of a kind baby your so classic." Both of us sung for the rest of the song vibing and laughing together.

Stiles pov.

I see her start the next song.

"Yo tell me what you want! What you really really want!" She started dancing and turning it up.

"I'll tell you what I want what I really really want!" I scream over the music at her.

I pulled over and just sat there memorized by her.
She looked so beautiful smiling yet she thinks I have a better smile definitely not. Her hair flying all over the place while she hangs her arms out the jeep. She doesn't notice but I notice all the little things about her. Shes adorable when she makes me blast music and sing with her. I love when she does this thing when I compliment her she goes all shy and blush crazy then runs away so I chase her and attack her with kisses. Gosh I fell so hard for her. I remember when we stole her dads car I never thought we would take it that far. I wish we could push rewind and go back in time when we were little and just playing tag with each other and didn't even notice we were in love. I hear my name being called so I shake my head to get out of my head.

"Stiles? Hello? You good? You there?" She waves her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah I'm fine just admiring how beautiful you look." I focus back on her.

"Stiles stopppp!" She blushed.

"Never!" I kiss her hand and get back to holding it.

She then gives me a little smile and turns back to her phone and finishes the song.

Days like this made them love each other even more. They were just dumb teenagers in love. Getting drunk at parties, sneaking out at night. But they loved every moment of it and wouldn't change it for the world.

Stiles broke the silence.
"Y/N you know..your love is my drug." He shrugged at her.

"Well your love is my medicine and I would be sick without it." The girl tries to be cheesy back but it just doesn't work as much.
"Baby you don't have my charm." He winked at her.
"I know!" She pouts at him. "It's just not fair how come you can be so corny with all these jokes and i'm just well i'm just me."
"You aren't just you Y/n you make me laugh all the time and smile." He rubs her hand.
"Because I fall on my face cause I am clumsy!" She pushes his hand away.
"Hey you are cute!" He grabs her hand back.
"Yeah yeah!" She rolled her eyes laughing.

Here it comes again memorized by her laugh it was like music to my ears just hearing her so happy makes me feel like I just crossed off a whole bucket list of things i've been wanting to do for years.

He drove off while the sun started to set. He pulled over to park and got out stepping in-front of the car. Hand in hand, lips connecting while the sun is setting. They both smiled into the kiss knowing this is how they wanted it to go for as long as they live.

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