Sneaking out. Dylan.

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I sat in my room the clock just hitting 1 am. My messy mind rushing to stop the overthinking. I heard my phone blow up with texts. I was currently doing my homework from my stupid high school teacher that I was to busy to look at my phone. I heard it ring a few times that I got annoyed and answered.

"Dylll." I whine.

"Finally, get dressed and sneak out. I'm out front and we are sneaking out." I could hear his stupid grin through the phone.

"What?" I look out my window seeing him laughing.

"What are you waiting for?" He chuckled and hung up.

I looked in the mirror and saw my outfit. I needed to change like now.

I grabbed some sweats and shirt and just threw it on and ran out the door as quiet as I could get.

"I feel like I'm sneaking out to a boy my parents won't let me be with." I rolled my eyes.

"Lucky for me, your parents love me."

"Thats what you think."

He gasped and looked at me pushing me playfully.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just for a drive I need to say something to you." He sounded serious which scared me.

"Are you ending our friendship?" I started getting all sensitive. I mean I've known this kid since I was 3 and could he want me gone just like that?

"Hey woah- no no no!" He sighed.

"Thank god." I let a relief breath out.


After some time of driving he pulled over to this private beach.

"This is beautiful." I gasped looking around.

He got out, opening my door for me and giving me a soft smile which I returned.

We sat down on the rocks and sat in silence for a little just listening to the waves crashing and admiring the moonlight shining on our faces.

"Do you think I'm a cold person?" He looked at me upset.

"What? No never why would you think that Dylan?" I turned my body towards him. I gave him my full attention wondering why he got so upset.

"Well this girl I asked to the school dance rejected me. I didn't wanna ask that girl I wanted to ask another girl but I got scared so I asked this girl then she just said I was a dick and cold-"

"Don't finish that. You know you aren't any of those things. Dylan you are one of the nicest guys I've ever met. You are respectful and funny and not the dry funny like you get my humor and I love that about you." I saw him relax his shoulders and look back at the waves.

I turned his head back in my way. "You might think that you are a cold person. Which you aren't. But I'd run into your arms for warmth when the world freezes over." I pushed him lightly giving him a cheesy smile.

I got up taking off my shoes and running through the sand laughing and not giving a fuck.

"Y/n what are you doing?!"

"NOT GIVING ONE FUCK!" I yelled back.

"We should scream our feelings out and just talk." He said.

"I'm down, seems fun."

"Okay I'll go first." He let out a nervous laugh. "I WISH THE GIRL THAT I LOVE  WOULD STOP MAKING ME FEEL LIKE A IDIOT AROUND HER."

My heart sank at his words. I knew he loved me but its been a best friend way. Why was I so upset by this? I knew he liked a girl but he just admitted he loves them. What was my body doing?

I got up and walked right past him giving him a cold shoulder. Why was I over reacting what the fuck?

"Y/n- you can't leave. I need to give you a ri-"

"You didn't tell me you loved this girl. How long have you been hiding this info now? You know what I don't even want to know who this girl is." I glared back at him and picking my shoes up.

"Y/n!" He screamed after me.


"Why are you acting like this? Relax." He seemed terrified of my actions.

I don't even know why I feel like this. My body was taking control instead of my mind. The next words spit out of my mouth which makes my body freeze up and run embarrassed. 

"Maybe because I'm crazy about my stupid boy best friend but only love like this is in the books and movies! I've been reading and watching these movies thinking and wishing it was us and now I know I should give up."

"You like me?" He chased after me, grabbing my waist and pulling it back so I hit his back.

"Its more like love, but what does it matter you love this beautiful girl I bet."

"She is beautiful and I love the fact that she's standing right in front of me." He smirked.

"Thats not helping- wait what?" I looked up at him smirking down at him.

"Just shut up." I felt his lips kiss mine. 

"The real girl I wanted to ask to the dance..would you wanna go to the dance with me?" 

"I would love that."

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