Scott please..- Stiles.

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A forbidden romance has always intrigued me.

The stolen glances from across the room, the secret interactions. Always watching behind our backs at the sheer chance someone could see us.

Me and you,

we could never be.

we should never be.

or so we've been told.

But this secret escape from reality, we love it.

This disclosed love, the love only you and I know to be true.

And although I know this romance is oh so wrong

it feels so right.

All I gave him was gone, it tumbled down like stone all because of Scott. My older brother found out about us sneaking out and now whenever Stiles comes over I'm forbidden to see him so I get locked up in my room.

It all fell down.


"SCOTT GET OFF ME!" She screamed as her older brother become a werewolf.

"SERIOUSLY MY OWN BESTFRIEND?!" He yelled at her as he slammed his fist on the table beside them.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!" She tried to grab something but it was useless his hold on her was strong.

"Hey Scott-" Stiles started to walk in until he stopped dead in his tracks.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Scott ripped his claws out. "Do you hear me? I'm sick of this-" Y/n was ripped from Scott's grasp.

"Scott listen to me, you don't wanna do this man.." Stiles tried to calm him down as he slowly hid me behind him.

"You are probably sleeping with her- I MEAN MY SISTER MY OWN LITTLE SISTER!" His breathing became heavier by the second.

As they both were in a pretty serious conversation I grabbed a glass bottle as quick as I could.

I snuck behind my own brother, I didn't wanna do this but it would only make him pass out.

I slammed the bottle against his head while glass shards flew everywhere while Scott's body fell to the floor.

"Pain makes him human.." Stiles mumbled to himself.

"What the fuck do you know that I don't? My brother is a fucking monster it looks like- even acts like one." I looked back and forth between Stiles and Scott.

"He isn't a monster, he's a werewolf. He never acts like this unless someone gets on his nerves.." Stiles looked back at me. "Are you okay?" He pulled me closer into his grasp. "God- I haven't been able to touch you in forever."

"I'm fine just trying to take in that my brother is a wolf-" Stiles laughed. "Werewolf." He corrected.

"Same thing whatever!" She groaned.

"So what are you?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Stiles looked back at me.

"I mean my brother is some how a werewolf so you have to be something too i'm guessing?" She shrugged.

"Luckily I'm just human..but let's get you to bed so you don't have to worry about him." Stiles started to take my hand.

"Stiles you know Scott said we can't do this." Y/n looked back at her brother.

"We can't throw away what we had- please Y/n." He begged.

"You have Lydia remember? I heard that conversation about Lydia and you, how she kissed you? You lost what we had, you threw it away you asshole." She pushed him with her shoulder as she ran up the stairs.


Scott nor Stiles were over so I could roam the house.

I heard the door open as I ran into the pantry. Stiles and Scott were in the kitchen, great.

"Come on Scott, I don't like Lydia give it up." Stiles groaned.

"You guys kissed though? You loved her since forever." Scott snickered.

"It's Y/n. Please Scott can you just listen to my heart beat when I tell you this." I heard more shifting in the kitchen.

His heart beat? Some werewolf shit probably.

"I love her, I would never wanna hurt her okay? Please can you let her be with me if she wants to?" Stiles jumped down from the counter it sounded like.

"I'm giving you one fucking chance man and if I hear you hurt her, dead. Got it?" Scott gritted his teeth as he opened the pantry door.

I fell to the floor as the door opened.

"Hey- would you look at that! I was just about to uh- leave." As Y/n tried to run past them Stiles grabbed her hand and dragged her to the porch.

"You heard everything didn't you?" He looked down blushing.

"Yep..but the one thing I wanna know is why did you kiss Lydia?" Y/n sighed.

"She actually kissed me and I was having a panic attack and she tried to help me." He shrugged.

"Are you having a panic attack now?" She looked at him.

"Yeah it feels like it-" As Stiles was talking Y/n smashed her lips onto his.

"Oh and I love you too." She smiled.

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