I'll do whatever I want.- Mitch.

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"Alright, we have a mission tonight and I'll make one of my agents keep an eye on the two of you since you like to fuck around and do your own plan." Hurly gave us a stern look which I brushed off easily but Mitch seemed pissed off already.

"Got it sir." I grabbed the guns to see what we were working with.

Mitch grabbed the gun from my hand. "Are you dumb? Have you not learned anything from being here?" He argued.

"Yeah I learned not to give a shit- maybe you should learn to do the same?" I snapped back at him.

"This act isn't cute you know Y/n." Mitch growled.

Third person POV.

"Oh no, am I being naughty?" She gave a sarcastic smirk back at him.

"Oh just shut up and let's get going." He said clearly frustrated.

"Hurly said he would tell us the time of when to pack our shit." She sighed.

"Oh so now you listen to him?" He rolled his eyes.

"Alright I don't know who got on your nerves but this needs to stop." She gritted her teeth and stepped back. "Asshole." She murmured while walking away.

Y/n and Mitch always had tension between each other. He's always frustrated because he wants what he wants but doesn't know how to get it, while she's the type of when she knows what she wants, she gets what she wants.


Y/n Pov.

I sat in the car while we were onto another mission.

I wasnt the type to show what I felt because everything changes.

This mission made me question myself. I was putting myself into a suicide mission, did I really wanna die? I may not die but like Hurly said there's always that 50% chance.

I wouldn't show it but for once I'm actually scared of the position I am in.

What am I putting myself in?

"Hey you okay?" I heard a voice call out.

I turned over to see Mitch looking at me with a worried expression.

Was he scared too?

I felt a warm feeling in my chest but for some reason a cold attitude washed over me and pushed it away.

"Why do you care?" I spat back at him.

He looked a bit hurt but stiffened up like my words hit him as bullets.

"Nevermind." He looked away while resting his head on the seat.

Weird. He never acted like this yet I never felt this way.

We pulled up to the mission and we all hopped out.

"Be careful, you know the plan." Hurly shook his head and went to his spot.

"Don't mess up, I don't wanna die." He smirked.

"Mitch, for once this isn't the time to be sarcastic while my life is on the line." I said quickly.

He turned his head over surprised by my words.

"Oh no is little Y/n scared?" He joked once again.

"No, I'm just saying I don't wanna die." I rolled my eyes.

He chucked while he pulled us around the corner watching the man we were targeting.

"That's him." Mitch whispered.

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