A girl of vanilla. Issac.

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A girl of vanilla.

Her perfume was vanilla and so was her chapstick.

Her eyes were as blue

as her chapstick wrapper.

Her light hair scented with her vanilla shampoo.

She wore blue jeans, and blue shirt to bring out her eyes.

He wore red shirts, as they looked cool next to his dark hair.

He smelt like a cherry and used cherry chapstick.

His shampoo came in a bright red bottle, and smelled like fruits.

They were so different,

yet so perfect.

Issac's pov.

"How does she smell like vanilla and feel like silk and talk like a thousand poems?" I ask Boyd.

"She's a angel Issac, you are a demon." He jokes.

"Oh shut up." I laugh it off.

I saw her and Lydia the 'Strawberry and Vanilla duo' I call them. They walked so calm. All I wanted was to get a taste of her. She intoxicated me like alcohol, and control's me like drugs. So people say it's toxic? But we have no one but each other. It makes the alcohol a little stronger, and the drugs a little better. But the addiction a monster.

Y/n's POV.

I could feel my thirst rising. I needed blood. 

"Sorry Lyd, I need to get something from my car. I'll be back." I smiled and turned to walk away.

I ran into a tall figure while trying to control my fangs from showing.

"Woah, Y/n you okay?" He grinned.

"Just fine Issac. I need to go." I tried to move past him but he held my arm.

"Where are you going?"

"Please Issac." I begged.

His eyes softened and let go as I ran.

I ran into the parking lot digging through my trunk looking for blood bags desperately.

"Where are they?! I know they are somewhere they have to be..AH! Here they are." I chugged a few and wiped my mouth.


I was roaming through the woods looking for some animal blood, I wasn't hungry I just knew I needed blood for school.

"Y/n is that you?" Issac called out.

"yeah-' I felt his soft hands against my skin leaving me shocked.

"I know this is soon and stuff but I love you." He blurts out.

"Issac you can't."

"Why not? Okay yeah I know I'm not a popular boy but I will treat you right unlike these asshats."

I held back my tears and my heart aches.

"No matter how much people say it, it will always seem like a lie Issac." I whisper while tears dropped from his eyes.

"I just need you. Y/n you are different and I hate how you make me feel but at the same time my body craves it. I want to be hugged like a kid does to their favorite stuffed animal, I want to be kissed like in those movies where they kiss after a fight. But I also want to be hugged like people who hate each other, and I want to be kissed like peoples who marriage is falling apart. Because I need a hug, I need love. No matter how little it is. I just need it." He rambles and letting out uneven breaths.

"We can fight and yell, we can scream day and night never coming to an agreement. They can think that we are pathetic but what they won't know is that I'll never find someone who loves me like you do. You will never find someone who understands you like I do. We are imperfectly made for each other." 

"Issac we can't as much as I love you we can't." I let my cries and tears take the best of me.

"Y/n why-"

"I'm a vampire Issac." I blurt out.

"Okay and? I'm a werewolf." he shrugs.

"See that's the problem we can't. Our love for each other could kill both of us in one blink." I let out a breath I was holding in.

"Our love is forbidden. You know that the rules are vampires and werewolf can't be seen together." I look back at him seeming terrified.

"But I need you."

"You are gonna learn that you won't ." I gave him a soft smile.

"I don't want to learn to live without you Y/n please.." He begged.

I looked at tears running down his face walking away turning out of his life.

I was doing this for our safety I hope he understood that.


Issacs POV.

We have both moved on,

but you are still with me.

Your chapstick still sits in my drawer,

along with your perfume.

Every time I'm looking for the one scrunchie, I remember that its at your house along with my ring. It's not just that, its your sayings and your laugh.

It's how you wrote your i's and how you pronounced certain words.

You're with me, but I have none of you.

I never wanted to be sad, I never wanted to be numb.

But you showed me how fast happiness can go away and how much it hurts to be taken away.

Now I wanna be numb.

I never liked to reread books.

But maybe if I keep rereading the story of us over and over again, maybe one time it will finally feel like the first time reading it again.

Do you remember,

when I laid my head on your shoulder though an hour long car ride, how on halloween night we rode around in your drunk dads car while stealing candy from the rich neighborhoods, then spent the whole night having deep talk, opening up. I told so many secrets that night. How we got sushi and had a picnic near my pond, or how we snuck out endless times to go get junk food at the gas station?

Do you?

cause I don't think you do.

Now all of sudden we are strangers and our love is gone and told in books.

Forbidden lovers.

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