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"We are two people. Two people in this world that doesn't make sense." I ramble. "Actually we're two specks of nothingness compared to the whole universe and galaxies and space." I move my hands while I talk.

"We're two specks of minuscule dust in this whole messed up world that doesn't make sense. Nothing really makes sense if you think about it, airplanes." I'm running out of breath. "How the fuck do those work-bluetooth- and bluetooth and fire."

Derek looks at me weird which is understandable because i'm making no sense. "What?" He continues to try and figure out what i'm trying to say.

"And umm, words and brains and- and-"

"Y/n." He cuts off.

"Sorry my point is.." I force myself to make eye contact with him. "This place, this world." I say hesitantly.

For a minute I get lost into his eyes, they're so pretty. He raised his eyebrows, making me come back from zoning out.

"It doesn't make sense." I continue from my last sentence. "But- but when we do find something that makes sense..we seem to hold onto it- them. Because- because in this whole messed up universe, there's only very few things that make sense and feel right."

I draw out slowly, his stare making this difficult.

I'm going to hate myself. "You're the only thing in this whole universe above every person..everything. That feels right." I break eye contact for a moment but eventually bring my eyes back up. "So right, just being with you and existing in your presence, that you make sense in this disaster that is my brain." I force out breathlessly.

"So." I sallow, the knot in the pit of my stomach growing within every second I stall this.

"Do you want to be two specks of nothingness in this whole fucked up universe..together?" I spoke with a lower voice.

He stares at me. No words coming out of his mouth. I can't read him, and it's making me nervous.

"I mean, I can't promise you the moon or anything, but I can promise..that you can braid my hair, and stare at me for however long you want because you seem to have a problem." Please say yes or I think I'll  actually cry. "And hold my hand, and make me smile, laugh, cry, annoy me..because I want to be yours." Please say something. "I am yours." I whisper at the end.

He opens his mouth to say something.

"And I can also promise you shitty meals for as long as you ask me to cook." I say quickly, actually more terrified now of what he's going to say instead of not saying anything. I'm actually hoping he won't talk. "And umm, yeah that's about it. I don't have much to offer."

"Why do you want me so much?" He finally spit out.

"You seem to fill this emptiness inside me.." I admit quietly.

"I want you." Derek smirks.


I liked hurting girls.
Mentally, not physically, I would never hit a girl in my life.
Well once but that was a mistake. I'll tell you about it later.
The thing is, I got off on it. I really enjoyed it. It's like when you hear serial killers say they feel no regret, no remorse for all the people they killed. I was like that. Loved it. I didn't care how long it took either, because I was in no hurry. I'd wait till they were totally in love with me. Till the big saucer eyes were looking at me. I loved the shock on their faces. Then the glaze as they tried to hide of how much I was hurting them. And it was legal. I think I killed a few of them. Their souls, I mean. It was their souls I was after. I know I came close a couple of times. But don't.

I was going to hurt her.
Destroy her confidence.
Show her the love she doesn't deserve to make her think she does deserve it.


Y/n walked into Derek's house and saw pictures scattered around the floor.

"Who is this?" She muttered to herself slowly as she examined the photos.

She heard the front door slam close with laughing from not only Derek but another girl.

This was his plan all along.

"Derek?!" She called out.

She sent one last look to the photos and sighed.

Derek walked into the room she was in and smirked as she looked to see his arm wrapped around a girl.

She looked like she was from the strip club.

"A stripper? Seriously." She scoffed at him.

"You weren't pleasing me enough so I had to get someone who would." He grinned back at her.

"You are like that song that when you first listen to it you fall in love with it and you listen to it on repeat for so long then it gets old and the song doesn't play on the radio anymore and you find new songs to listen to, then one day your in the car or whatever and the song comes on and you turn it up all the way and fall in love with it all over again." She tensed up.

"I'm not a song, I'm a lyric..I disappear for a little bit and find another time to play again." He chuckled as it was some time of joke.

"You think you can just walk into my life and walk back out with someone else? That's not how life works! You can't play life that way DEREK!" She screamed in frustration.

"I can play life how it wants to be played but what's the fun in that?" He kissed the girl in front of her sending Y/n goosebumps over her fragile body.

"One word, you know what it is?"

He gave her a blank stare in confusion, what was she trying to make him get.


His eyes widened as she showed no emotion unlike the other girls.

"Oh." He whispered out softly, his arm dropping from the girl.

"I'm not hurt you know? I'm just- just trying to understand all of this- any of it actually. I trusted you with everything I had left in me, just for this to happen all over again. The past is just repeating Derek. You can't run from it forever and soon you will see it, all of it." She stated.

"You can't do this, you need me." He tried to state back calmly but a tint of anger flashed out.

"BULLSHIT! I DON'T EVEN RECOGNIZE YOU ANYMORE!" She tried to gather her thoughts up, "This all doesn't make any sense- I'm not hurt I'm just tense."

"Oh come on, stop acting all tough when we all know later you will be crying of how you need me." He gave her a jerk look.

"I'll be fine without you, babe." She gathered her things up and walked out.

She left it all behind.


I can't imagine how many people hate me.

I hate myself, I hate it all.

I never wanted to be a werewolf so as my way to cope, I take it out on people I start to love.

I'm a monster.

Third person POV.

In the end it was simple, she loved him more than he loved her, and a hell lot more than she loved herself.

One sided love.

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