You're my moon.- Derek Hale.

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He leans his head against the wood like mine, so we're both facing each other, heads leaning while the waves crashed against each other next to us.

"You're my moon." He tells me.

"What?" I asked him confused. "Isn't it supposed to like, you're my sun."

"Yeah, but i've always preferred the dark." He tells me. "Look at the sky. See how it's pitch black?"

I look around us, the sky is completely black, starless.

"It's all black isn't it? A void of darkness, emptiness. And then there's the moon." He's looking up too, staring at the moon. "The only light in the endless supply of darkness."

I sneak a glance at him, his whole attention towards the moon.

"You're my light." He whispers.

"But the moon isn't like the sun."

"Exactly. The moon's grey, not too bright, not too dark, fitting perfectly with the darkness of the night." He explains.

His voice breaks my heart. It's weak, nothing like i've ever heard before. It's weak, exhausted and tired.

"Derek you have people who love you, friends who care about you so much." I remind him softly.

"You're my only one." He murmurs.

"Only what?"


"You have a lot of friends." I say confused.

"You're the only one I like."

"You need to find more friends then Mr. Hale." I tease him lightly.

"I'm fine with just you.."

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