Fuck the rules. -Dylan.

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(This is going to be a imagine that is like Harry Potter!)
Also before you read this I probably made so many spelling mistakes but I didn't check over them so I'm sorry if I did!

I was in Slytherin which in Hogwarts some people think is the worst house, but in reality I love my house I just hate one rule in Hogwarts.

'No Gryffindor and Slytherin dating.'

We are supposed to hate each other and verse each other in games.

But I may have the biggest crush on the popular and most liked Gryffindor other then Harry Potter himself, Dylan O'Brien.

I'm pretty sure a lot of girls in my house and some guys even have a thing for him.


I was eating by myself at the table and enjoying looking at Dylan O'Brien himself.

"Psst, someone has a little crush oooh!" Draco laughed as he sat next to me with his little group.

"Oh Draco shut up and go shove a-" As I was about to finish my sentence to Draco pansy sat down and I immediately shut up.

"He talked to me!" She squealed.

"I know, I saw it." I groan wishing it was me.

"Who did?" Draco questions.

"Oh just the hottest boy ever." I exclaim.

"Dylan I'm guessing?" Blaise now was here at our table.

"What's with all the girls going after him! First it's Harry and the twins and now him too?! I'm hot too." Draco whines.

"Yeah uh Draco no one like me and pansy find you hot at all." Me and Pansy gave him a soft smile.

Which we just earned a few mumbled cusses.

"Well I gotta get to my tree before anyone else does." I get up packing up my things.

"I hate how you can just admire Hogwarts that's so boring." Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Because it's beautiful and you guys have different interests, plus the Gryffindors that are really popular are coming so I need to leave before we get into a fight. Buh bye!" I walked outside to the field, admiring everything.

"What are you doing out here?" I heard a voice call out after me.

I wasn't really supposed to be out here but I didn't care I wanted to be alone.

"Oh, just admiring things trying to take everything in all at once." I shrugged.

"You know it's not very polite to shrug at someone while you aren't even looking at them?" The voice chuckled.

"Well I don't really care I was busy doing something and you came along and stayed behind me so who's fault is that to deal with me not turning around." I shrugged once again.

"I know you being a Slytherin means you have to hate my house but since we aren't around anyone can you act like you actually like me?" The boy said quietly.

"Sure..?" I turned around quickly meeting eyes with those certain brown eyes.

"Dylan.." I whisper out.

"See! I'm not that bad to talk too! You are the one Slytherin girl who won't even try and talk to me and I don't wanna be on peoples bad sides here since we could be killed any day.." He grinned.

"Well you are like VERY close to the chosen one so you have no choice at this point to be tracked after." I smiled.

"What are you even doing here alone?" He stepped closer.

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