Dylan GIF.

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"Dylan, who's the special woman? We have been seeing that you recently turn every girl down

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"Dylan, who's the special woman? We have been seeing that you recently turn every girl down." The interviewer asked.

Dylan and Y/n have been dating for 7 months now and they haven't told anyone and that's mostly because they know social media breaks apart relationships.

"Well uh yeah I have someone in my head." He chuckled as his fans started to scream louder.

"Is she famous?" A fan screamed out.

"Yep. Why does it matter if she is?" He sighed.

"Probably easier to find better?" The interviewer shrugged.

Y/n was sitting on the couch at his house watching the interview live.

"Are you guys dating or talking? Seems like the fans wanna know." The interviewer continued to get closer and further into the subject.

"I don't think my movie is necessary for this topic? This interview was for my movie not my love life." He snapped.

"Right, sorry." The interviewer apologizing and going back to the movie topic.


It hurt when we had to hide our relationship on the low.

I knew why he was doing it, it was smart to keep our relationship healthy but sometimes I wish we could do something like go on a walk in public or a date honestly anything but we can't because of his reputation and his fans.

Sometimes I just overthink and tell myself maybe he just doesn't wanna be seen with me?

Sooner or later I saw the interview end which meant Dylan was coming home.

I decided to just watch a movie and possibly talk when Dylan gets home.

I decided to just watch a movie and possibly talk when Dylan gets home

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As Dylan walked through the door he shook his head.

"Dyl?" I jumped up and peaked my head over the couch, smiling.

"Hi baby.." He sighed. "I'm sorry for not telling them I'm just scared of the rumors and how they break apart anyone and anything."

The smile on my face disappeared.

"Come over here." She said.

He walked over to her and plopped down into her arms.

"It's not fair, I wanna go in public with you and do all these things yet if we do we get consequences for being famous." I kissed his cheek as a small smile appeared on his face.

"There's that cute smile of yours." I teased.

"Oh and one last thing," I saw Dylan reach into his pocket and pull out his phone while going onto Twitter. I saw him post one thing I couldn't tell what it was but I couldn't care it was probably just retweeting. "Go check Twitter babe." He smirked.

"Okay..?" I shrugged while grabbing my phone to read his Tweet.

I'm dating Y/n L/n and I have been and I love her.

"You love me?" I gasped as my hand flew over my mouth.

"Yeah..I do." He looked back at me.

"I love you, I love you- oh my god, you just told everyone." I kissed him a couple of times before we pulled apart.

"I want everyone to know that I'm dating you because I'm tired of not being able to show you off on anything, so that's why i'm asking if you are willing to be my date for the red carpet?" He gave a crooked smile.

"Oh Dyl, I'd love too." I squealed.

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