Cookie! -Dylan

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"Dylan, baby!" I ran over to him while he was in a interview

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"Dylan, baby!" I ran over to him while he was in a interview.

"Babe! Hey ahah! Say hi to the camera!" He pulled you into the hug.

"Hello!" I smiled while I pulled away. "This man gave me a cookie and I was telling you because he wanted to go hangout and I saw that you were busy so can I go eat it with him? He's also a actor so he was going to tell me about his films." I smiled friendly at him.

"Lemme see the cookie, is it good?" Dylan smiled back as I handed the cookie to him.

Dylan broke the cookie on purpose while starting to pout. "Oh I broke his cookie! We should get going and I'll buy you a new cookie and we can share it." He thanked the interviewers while walking away.

"What was that Dyl!" I whined.

"Cmon babe if you really thought I was going to let another actor flirt with you, you were wrong." Dylan intertwined his hand with mine.

"I wasn't gonna let him flirt- well if he was going to start flirting then I would of came over to you because it would of been uncomfortable. What if he just wanted to talk and be friends?" I shrugged.

"Baby you aren't a man who flirts because I know if I saw you I would of done the same thing and hit on you." Dylan kissed my hand.


He cut me off by pecking me on the lips.

"No but's. I'll get you a new cookie and I'll share it with you."

"Okay." I smiled softly.

"Also you look very beautiful so I'm not surprised that he was trying because I'm trying myself right now to impress my lady." Dylan chuckled.

"Dylll.. you know you already own my heart." I giggled.

"Just gotta make sure it stays that way for eternity." He pulled me closer.


As we sat down at another interview I didn't even notice it was photos of me. I totally forgot that I gave embarrassing and cute photos of myself because they were doing the 'Try not to aw or laugh challenge' on Dylan.

"So what are we doing today?" Dylan pulled me over to sit on his lap.

"The try not to not aw or laugh challenge!" The man said.

"Well that's easy unless it's-"

"It's pictures of Y/n that she gave us."

Dylan's eyes widened.

"Well I'm going to loose cmon guys!" He groaned.

I kissed his nose while looking back.

The first picture of our first date.

That photo even made me tear up a little bit. We were just kids in the photo and we fell in love on that night with each other and didn't even realize it.

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