I would never leave without you. - Stiles.

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I was running, running from everyone.


"You- you please don't do that ever again!" Stiles yelled as he drove.

"Do what?!" I groan.

"I thought you just took off- I thought you were running." He complained.

"I was running you idiot." I sighed.

"No- like I thought, I thought you were leaving!" He struggled to get out.

Lydia and Kira stayed quiet in the back as me and Stiles argued.

"I wouldn't leave without you?" I turned back to Stiles confused of why he would think that.

"You wouldn't?" A small smile appeared on his face.

"I would never leave without you Stiles." I smiled and sighed at him.

He kept sending me small looks and smiles as he drove back home.


I was fighting the urge in Lydia's basement to not attack Stiles.

"STILES LEAVE!" I growl at him, as the grips around my hands rip even more.

"I'm not leaving you." He states calmly.

"Stiles I'm going to hurt you.. go to the party now." I lodge him but fall back because of the chains.

"I'm not much of a party person..social anxiety thing." He jokes.

"Stiles this isn't the time to joke!" I yell.

"I'm not joking I seriously have soci-"

"Stiles shut up, I know you do." I try and claw at him again.

"I'm starting to think you really wanna kill me?" He crossed his arms at me.

"Stiles please I can't control it much longer.." I beg for him to leave.

"I'm not leaving without you." He reminded me.

I smiled softly as his words.

"You know what?" He started to untie me and let me go.

"Stiles what are you doing?!" I freaked.

"Just wait." He hummed as he finished up with my cuffs.

I went to lunge at him but I felt a warm feeling in my chest.

I stopped and looked at the boy with his eyes shut ready for me to hurt him.

"Stiles I did it." I let out a breath I was holding in.

"You did it!" He smiled and hugged me.

"You're my anchor." I look back up at him.

"I'm your anchor." He kissed my forehead and pulled me back into his arms.

A little cute imagine.

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