Interview- Dylan.

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This will be a short one.
Gif imagine! :))

He made eye contact with me while I was talking to my manager for the next interview I had with him for our movie

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He made eye contact with me while I was talking to my manager for the next interview I had with him for our movie.

He gave me a goofy smile while I sent the same one back, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Okay thanks! See ya!" I waved to her and sat next to Dylan.

"Hey! You ready?" He asked.

"I mean doing a interview and us being the main characters-"

"I heard we get to play a game." He smirked.

"Never mind then I think I might have fun." I smiled.

"Hey Dylan and Y/n! So we will be playing tag but with a mix of hide and seek today, so Dylan and Thomas will be the chasers while me and Y/n will be hiding." The interviewer explained.

I looked over to Dylan who looked a bit jealous but flashed me a smirk mouthing, 'I'm getting you' which made me gasp.

"Alright let's go!" I started running and hid behind the back wall.

I heard footsteps behind me getting closer which made me dash.

"I FOUND YOU!" Dylan yelled chasing me.

"DYL!" I squeal and keep running.

I run up the stairs and feel his hands wrap around my waist.

"Got you." He whispered.

"That's not fair I was trapped up here!" I turn around in his grasp to face him.

"Well me and Thomas win because he got the other guy, that's what he gets for trying to hide with you." Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Is Dyl jealous?" I giggled at him.

"Hey woah I'm not jealous! I'm just showing him what's mine." He pecked my lips while grabbing the bandanna and danced to make me giggle more.

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