I love you. - Scott Mccall.

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"Hey Scott!" I squeal as I see my crush.
"Y/n.." He sighed.
"Hey- woah what's wrong?" I lift his head to meet my eyes.
"You won't understand but you need to avoid me for the best." He smiled weakly.
He was smiling? Was he happy that I had to avoid him?
"What?" My throat went dry.
"Y/n I'm sorry but-"
"No Scott you can't just talk to me for years then cut me off because of the best? The best is not dropping your friends and making them avoid you and not even giving a reason for it?!"
"I can't tell you Y/n it will put you in more danger then you are already in!" He yelled back.
"What danger could I possibly be in?" I rolled my eyes.
"Living here was your first mistake and falling for a werewolf was the second." He gritted his teeth.
"I don't love a werewolf the fuck?" I widened my eyes of where this was coming from.
"You like me right? Yeah, and I'm a werewolf there I said it and I can smell everything you feel towards someone." He groaned.
My heart sounded pounding crazy. He could hurt me right now.
"I need to go." I gasped out and ran as fast as I could.

My best friend was a werewolf after all this time? I trusted him just to lie like this? He kept a huge secret from me and what made it worse is that I bet Stiles knew way before me.

I'm not saying I should of known before him I'm just saying I bet he knew for a while before I did and we are close just like him and Stiles. Or well I thought we were close.

"Y/N CALM DOWN!" I heard Scott yell from behind me, catching up. Damn werewolf shit with running.

I felt his grasp on my waist and pin me into a locker. We were alone in the hallway he could easily kill me right now.

"Please don't hurt me.." I mumble out.

"You think that little of me? I would never hurt you Y/n.." He soothed out.

"I mean you could easily kill me." I joked.

"Yeah I could and I wouldn't because you are so hypnotic." His grasp stayed the same on me.

"Hypnotic?" I tilt my head to his word.

"You do to me so well, hypnotic taking over me making me feel like someone else. You even got me talking in my sleep!" He rambled.

"Scott you just told me to avoid you and now you are telling me I'm hypnotic?" I shook my head.

"I'm trying to bury my love for you because you can't love a monster like me. God damn you should be scared of me!" He shouted which made me jump a little.

"Please stop your scaring me!" I tried to push him off.

"I can't help this awful energy." He replied back with no emotion and his eyes changing color.

"God damn right I should be scared of you and yet I'm not?" I felt this warm feeling coming back to my chest just thinking about me and Scott's memories for some reason I wasn't scared of him and I thought I was?

"Who is in control?"

"What?" Scott huffed.

"Is the wolf form inside you making you be this way? Or is it you because the Scott I know isn't like this or was like this."

"The bite changed me for the better." He growled.


"Because now whenever I'm around you I can turn off my emotions of how I feel about you. You make me weak and I can't have that when there is monsters trying to kill me."

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