Hes back?- Stiles.

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It's been four years since I last saw Stiles. He said it was better for him to take law school and leave. I don't blame him I would definitely wanna leave after all we have been through but the one thing that stuck to me when he left was, I never told him how I felt.

Everyday for the same 4 years I punish myself in my room at 3 am yelling and guilt tripping myself while he probably forgot me. It wasn't fair. Why was I doing this to myself? Was it the fact that I couldn't get over him, maybe it was because he's long gone out of my life forever never coming back for any of us. He purposely left all of us so he could start over and forget all this crazy traumatizing things happened to him. He even blocked Scott so he couldn't reach out. I heard from his dad he's doing alright but that's what he always said to us when he wasn't.

I just wish somehow he would just walk through my door saying this was all just a dream, him telling me he's here and that he never left. Those words falling out of his mouth repeating himself over and over again, holding me tightly as the world could end any minute now.

As I let my thoughts tear me apart I could feel tears hit my cheeks as I fell onto the bed holding his hoodie. The only thing I have left of him. Well the only thing Malia and Lydia let me have because they knew this was going to be much harder getting over him.

"Y/n! You in there? You okay?" I heard Lydia pound on the door.

"Uh- yep! Doing just fine." I yelled back.

"I'm coming in-" As she walked in with Scott they could see me hugging his sweatshirt tightly as more sobs escaped my mouth.

"Why did he leave me.. he knew I needed him after we finally did it. He knew I would be traumatized with all these haunting nightmares every night. I helped him with them every time he had them- then, then all the sudden once I start needing his help
he just- POOf!" I panicked as I felt Scott and Lydia hugged me. I haven't felt like this in a long time since he left, cared about. Ever since he left I've told everyone I've gotten used to it and I'm okay and now they run into to see me broken down to the core about some boy.

"Y/n he loved you. He really did as his best friend I knew it. He thought it was better for him. Trust me Stiles probably regrets his actions missing us but-" Scott tried to soothe me down but it didn't work.

"If he regretted his actions he would of came back years ago! If he loved me he would of stayed! If he cared about us he would of stayed and helped us with getting over this together! Instead he just runs off being him and not thinking twice thinking no one needed him anymore! I still need him!" I sob.

Scott and Lydia took one last glance at each other before Scott got up and rang his phone outside my bedroom door.

"Y/n I know what he did doesn't make it look like he loves you, but he was crazy about you." Lydia tried to explain as more tears flow down my face.

"Lydia I know you are trying to help and I appreciate it, I really do but telling me he loved me while he's gone forever now doesn't help at all. It makes me feel guilty that I didn't tell him my feelings back- maybe if I told him he would of stayed. He would of had a reason too." I tightened my grip on his sweatshirt.

"I'm sorry." That was the last thing I heard from her as she stepped outside telling Scott some things that I couldn't really hear as my sobs were taking over.


I was eating Ice cream in my bed as someone knocked on my door.

"COME IN!" I shouted as I shoved my mouth with Ice cream with his sweatshirt on.

Lydia entered with a huge smile on her face. I haven't seen her this happy since Issac asked her to be his girlfriend.

"Woah what's happening?" I put my laptop aside me as I made room for her on my bed and gave her a spoon to eat with me.

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