He needs you. - Dylan.

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I was just watching some TV as I got a call from Tyler, Dylan's best friend.

I got up to the phone and picked it up to see what he needed.


"Y/n! Hey this is actually perfect that you answered right now but you see Dylan needs you." He spoke quietly into the phone.

My eyebrows raised at his words.

"Is he okay? Did something happen on set?"

"Well nono he's not hurt but recently since you guys haven't seen each other in 8 months because of his filming and you also having a tight schedule with your recent movies it's been hard for him, he doesn't smile anymore Y/n. The only time he fits a smile in is for acting." I heard Tyler sigh through the phone.

"When is the perfect time to fly down to where you guys are, I recently just got back from my movies that I finished up. I can stay for a while."  I smiled hoping as soon as possible.

"Tonight actually is perfect since if you fly down it will be only a few hours! We were planning on watching your movie hoping it would make Dylan more himself so you could surprise him?" Tyler chuckled.

"Perfect, I'll get a ticket."

"No need for that, I'll get a private jet for you."

Sometimes I totally forget that I'm rich and can afford these type of things but some days I like when I forget that I'm famous and I can relax at home like I don't have a huge fan base out there.

It takes a lot out of you but I do it for them.

"Okay! Thanks Ty, see you later and make sure my Dyl wakes up." I laughed as I hung up and started to pack my bags.


"Here I come baby." I grinned as I looked up to the plane in front of me.

I hopped into the plane and looked down to see 5 texts from Dylan.

"I miss you."
"Can we call?"
"I'm not shooting right now and I just wanna hear your voice."
"God I miss you so much I wish I could just hold you again."
"I only have a month left till I see that pretty face in person again."

That was a lie.

I smiled down at my phone as I read his texts.

"I'm sorry baby but I can't call right now I'm busy but we could call tonight and fall asleep on the phone. We haven't done that in actually a while." I sent him a reply and looked back up to see the snack lady offering some drinks.

I heard a ding back on my phone.


A few giggles escape my mouth as I smile.

I love this boy even though he can be such a dork sometimes.



It was now 3:30 P.M and I just got off the plane rushing over to Tyler.

"TYLER!" I squealed as I ran into his hug.

"How are you?! Gosh Dylan is gonna freak! I'm such a good bestfriend." He smirked as he put my bags into the car.

"I'm actually good but I can't wait for this surprise." I smiled.

"I heard him crying the other night because you couldn't call so I ended up just sleeping over his little dorm so it kept him company." Tyler sighed as he backed up and drove off.

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