An old memory of my last Imagine of peter!!

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This is a old memory from Young Peter and Y/n from my last Imagine I just put up.

"It's cold, Peter. Why are we here anyway?" Y/n shuffled over the ice, trying not to slip as they make their way down the ramp of a parking garage.

"I told you, it's a concert." Peter replies, helping her over the concrete wall so she doesn't fall.

They make their way to a venue, music bumping the building as they enter. Y/n had asked about going to a concert, but didn't expect for Peter to follow through with her request. She planned on going somewhere with one of her 'friends'.

"So you take me to a festival concert, and don't even offer to pay for my drink?" Y/n pays for a kool aid, being as she's underage. Peter scoffs.

"I did pay, you just handed him money that I gave you." He teases, handing her money to replace it as they enter the concert.

By the end of the night, Y/n was freezing cold, her throat was irritated from all the yelling. Peter probably felt the same, but he hid it behind a smile as they returned to the parking garage.

"What if we didn't go home? What if we just, missed curfew y'know?" Peter pulls away from the parking garage, opposite of home. Y/n gives him a shocked look. "What if I didn't go home, I mean." He corrects.

"Why wouldn't you go home?" Y/n asks curiously.

"We can have a sleepover thing and I can steal some of the clay stuff you put on your face. I just don't feel like going home." Y/n could sense a sort of fear behind his voice, like he was scared of something.
She assumed it was his dad, because by now he would have texted him and been in an argument.

"My mom won't be up for that, Peter. It's a school night." Y/n says, disappointment filling her tone.

"Not if I ask." Peter adds.


"If I ask, she can't say no."

"Yes, she can." Y/n argues. "She owns our house, Peter."

"She'll feel bad if she doesn't."

"Are you going to guilt trip my mom?" Y/n laughs, looking out the window as they get closer to her house.

"Nope. I just want to spend the night."


I knew I was moving, and I wanted to spend the last couple of weeks at home doing everything with Y/n. Going to concerts, ice skating, sleeping, etc.

Normal people would feel guilt lying to their best friend, but it's difficult when I know what i'm doing is going to help her out in the long run. She might be sad, and heartbroken, but what i'm doing will drive her to hate me, and that's the point.

If I leave and she doesn't hate me, it'll make it worse on both of us. I know it's fucked up, but what else do I do?


As we near the doorstep, my mom opens the door.

"Peter? Isn't it past your curfew?" She asks.

"Actually, I was going to ask you if I could spend the night here because of the ice." He asks, a smooth tone behind his voice. Y/n watches her mom debate herself before she gives in.

The two make their way upstairs and turn on their favorite TV show, Y/n's favorite, Supernatural. After a while Y/n lets Peter put on the clay mask he was talking about.

She noticed he never texted his dad, almost like he didn't care. Normally he'd be getting scolded, but no. It was oddly quiet, no phone alarms, anything.

She began to grow worried.

What if his dad cut him off? What if he's trying to run away?

No, if he was trying to run away, he'd stay far away from Y/n.


The two spent the rest of their night laughing until they crashed on opposite sides of Y/n's bed, and it began to thunderstorm outside.

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