Coach's Daughter. - Stiles.

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(Sorry another draft!! I'll try and post more that aren't just Stiles.)

As the Coach's daughter it's hard to know who actually likes you.

Most guys try and walk me to my classes or help me find books in the library. They open doors for me and save seats for me in class next to them..purposely in my dad's class.

It was clear that they just wanted to get on my dad's good side for the position first line, or even caption.

But when everyone heard I got with Stiles Stilinski they all thought it was some joke.

"Him? Seriously he has no game."

"He can't even shoot a damn goal!"

"The nerd?"

That wasn't the worst part of it.

I had to hide our whole relationship from my father because who knows how he would react to his daughter getting with one of his lacrosse players.

Although he is on bench a lot he's still on the team. I don't want to take that away from him, what if telling my dad about this got him kicked off the team? My dad already puts it hard on him as it is.

I sat at the edge of my bed with my notebook in my hands trying to think of ideas to tell him.

"Do I just say 'Oh hey dad, I'm dating the one kid who gets on your nerves.. a lot.' no- no that's stupid. Y/n give it a break." I fell back on the bed while grabbing my phone to send a quick text to Stiles.

Stiles for the past month has been wanting to tell him so we didn't have to kiss and hold hands across the school, and could pick me up from my house and drive me to school.

I was ready just scared because what if he didn't approve of Stiles?

Hey Stiles! I think I'm ready.

I sent the text waiting for his reply.

I heard a ding and immediately checked my phone.

You sure babe? We can wait if you don't want too I don't want to rush this on you I know how you feel about this.

Of course I didn't want to do this but it needed to be done because I agree with Stiles, I'm tired of hiding everything now.

I wanted to be public and able to cheer him on in games if he ever gets to play.

I want to do this.

I sent back quickly and after that we both agreed we would talk about it tomorrow.


We were currently in Coach's class or I guess I can call it my dad's. Stiles said to slowly hint clues to him so we decided to sit next to each other.

"Stiles!" He shouted.

"Y-Yes?" Stiles gulped as he sent a small smile to him.

I knew he was nervous about this.

"What is the answer to number 6?" He asked waiting for the answer.

"I don't know?" He mumbled out.

"What was that? I can't hear you-"

"It's labor markets." I answered for him quickly.

My dad sent me a look wondering why I answered instead.

"Yes that's correct Y/n but I asked Stiles who is next to you." He grumbled.

I nodded and slid down in my seat.

Stiles looked back at me and scooted closer. "You okay?"

"I'm just scared for this." I whispered back while biting my nails.

Stiles saw my actions and grabbed my hand, intertwining it. As my dad turned around we both instantly let go.

"Alright, Stiles let's try again. Number seven?"

"Public safety, Coach." He answered.

I felt relief wash over me.

After class me and Stiles gathered our things up and I totally tried to push away the thought of telling my father about us. I tried to walk away for my locker but I felt a hand pull me back by my shirt.

"Scott?" I said surprised, I thought it was my boyfriend.

"Hi! You see that boy right there?" He pointed over to a brunette who was very very familiar.  I nodded for him to continue. "I need you to go up and reassure him that you want to be in a relationship with him because he thinks why you won't tell your father is because you don't like him anymore- I can clearly smell your feelings for him but he won't budge."

My eyes widened at his words. Why would Stiles ever think that? I mean I can see why but of course I want to be with him- I like this boy a lot and I wouldn't waste all this time over someone who didn't mean that to me.

I walked over to Stiles, tapping his shoulder and sending him a small smile.

"Oh- uh hi." He turned around and leaned on the locker to face him.

"Cmon! We are telling my dad." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the classroom.

"What? Are you sure- Y/n we don't have too-"

I stopped before the door and reassured him as best as I could. "Stiles please trust me on this. I want to do this because I'm tired of hiding everything for you, I want you to be the one walking me to class and holding doors for me. I want you to pick me up from my house for dates and school dances."

He soon had a huge grin on his face. "I do too.." He mumbled.

"Then let's do this baby." I opened the door to see my dad sitting at his desk.

Then it hit all over again- I thought I could do this or at least I wanted to do it but I froze in place.

"Y/n?" My dad called out to see Stiles next to me, holding hands. He looked between the two of us and stayed silent.

"I- well.." I tried to explain but it was hard. I wanted to just burst in tears but Stiles did it for me as he could see the state I was in.

"I'm dating your daughter..and I hope you don't mind that as well you can see we are dating already.." Stiles tightened his grip around my hand.

"Cool." He shrugged and went back to his desk.

My eyes widened and I scoffed at his words. "Wait- that's it? Just cool? You don't care?"

"No? I mean I'm glad you have a boyfriend." He responded calmly which confused me even more.

"You aren't mad that it's one of your lacrosse players?" I questioned once more.

"Nope. It's Stiles, I've known him for more then you think and I know he wouldn't hurt you."

My eyes softened back at Stiles and yet again my dad broke the moment.

"Now go!"

Me and Stiles walked out of the class and leaned against the lockers as he wrapped his hands around my waist which left me to rest mine on his shoulders.

"I've been waiting so long to kiss you in the hallway.." He smirked and went to go in but he got interrupted.

"STILES!" My dad yelled.

"YEP! SORRY!" He winced as he backed up from me, scratching his neck while he was embarrassed.

"Let's just get to class?" I laughed at his red face while I started to walk.

"Yeah- uh..yep!" He caught up and walked me to my class.

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