Mark my words. -Stiles.

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"Hey guys! Where is Stiles?" I sat down at the table looking around for Stiles.

"He didn't tell you?" Lydia questioned.

"Tell me what?" My heart stopped and dropped to my stomach.

"Scott and him said they went 'camping' but we think they ran away because they knew something we didn't?" Allison added on.

"They could of just went for a boys trip guys don't worry." I forced to make myself believe that. He wouldn't lie to me, would he? I mean he didn't even tell me in the first place so technically he hid things from me.

I zoned out.

"Mark my words, my love." Stiles smiled down at me.
I nodded.
"I won't let us just fade away, after all we
been through."
I repeated his exact words.
"I don't wanna lose you.." I said in a hush whisper.
"You won't lose me, we are-"

"Y/n! HELLO!!" I heard voices surround me.

"Huh!" I jumped.

"You like zoned out.." Lydia laughed nervously.

"I'm fine but I should get going." I started packing my things.

"You just got here?" Malia jumped off from the counter.

"I don't uh- don't feel good." I rush out.

That was lies. I didn't just not feel good, I felt lied too. He promised over and over again he wasn't like those guys but yet he broke another promise.

"If it's because of Stiles just forget about him for one day, it's a girls day now instead how about that?" Kira smiled.

"Nono! It's not because of him! I need time for me." I smiled.

"Oh." They all replied.

"I'll get going, have a good night guys." I walked out and drove.

I pulled into the drive way.

I moped into my bedroom and closed the door while sliding down it.

I let him do this every time.
I've given him too many chances this time and i'm finally getting the courage to suck it up and deal with the pain to leave him.

I picked up the phone and dialed his contact.

"Y/n I can't really talk right now l-" Stiles shouted into the phone.

"I hate you." I shouted into the phone.

Why would I say something I don't mean, it felt good but I know I could never hate him even if I wanted too.

"W-what?" Stiles stayed silent after that.

"So your just gonna act like you didn't just run off and forget to tell me? You ran off and broke another promise Stiles, ANOTHER ONE! This is enough I'm done getting hurt and having to deal with it. You don't realize it because your so selfish and only care for you and Scott!" I yelled.

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