You're the one I want. - Liam.

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As Lydia's younger sister, I have a lot of pressure put on me.

She's crazy popular, friends with the fucking super natural. She turns on everyone and gets her way- because of her looks.

Her red hair, her perfect smile. The green eyes that could send you in shock if you fell in love with them.

How do I know if I could go in shock? Well luckily Stiles can tell me that, the man who is MADLY in love with my sister while she's oblivious of it.

Instead shes smooching Aiden, a twin who is also a werewolf.

Liam, my guy best friend while the same with Mason. We just follow behind them and do whatever they tell us but it's mostly Lydia bossing me around.

I'm not insecure because of my sister, I mean I'm just a younger version of her, I could easily become like her but I choose not to be. She's her own person while I'm my own.

A cute imagine.

"Y/n, I know your sister turns everyone on but, you're the one I want."


Me and Mason recently realized that my sister and Stiles were getting closer which I wasn't mad just surprised that she actually caught on that he treats her right or at least better then her past relationships with other guys. She's still off and on with the Aiden boy though.

Let me get on about how me and Liam met.

Last summer we met, we started as friends. I can't really tell you how it all happened but I'll try my best. Autumn began we were never the same, those nights we all had it felt like magic. I wonder if he sees me the way I see him.

He's always on my mind, I mean I think about him all the time but let's not talk about it.

"I love youuu." A voice dragged on behind me which made me jump out of my thoughts.

"Lyds, shut up." I sighed while closing my textbook and facing her. "What's wrong?"

"Well, Kira is going on a date with Liam." My eye brows furrowed at the words. She quickly noticed my change in emotions and explained more. "What I mean by that is..well Kira tripped to get Liam off guard and so he doesn't ruin Scott's plan- she's taking him out..please don't be mad?!" Lydia shrugged.

"That's easy for you to say. You're Lydia Martin." I spat out at her.

She jumped a little at my bold words towards her. I never disrespected my sister but this pissed me off, she knew what I felt for him. Yeah it's just a plan but what if he catches feelings for Kira.

She's smart and pretty plus has confidence.

"Hey! You're Y/n Martin!" Lydia tried to cheer my mood up.

"Yeah that's my point Lydia, I'm not you. I can't turn people on or make people like me in less then 5 minutes. I'm not the one they want, it's always you. My older sister." I grabbed my bag and rushed to the doors. Before I left, I looked back at her. "I also can't date a guy while knowing a different guy has liked me for years more!" I reached for the door and left her.

"Y/n-" She called out after but it just went muffled.

"Y/n?" A deeper voice laughed as I didn't even realize I bumped into someone.

"Liam.." I laughed clearly uncomfortable in the position I was in.

Liam caught on and backed up a little, yet still leaving a small gap. "Hey, I heard what happened back there." Liam scratched his neck while having a sly smile on his face.

My stomach felt like it dropped. "H-How much of it?"

"Pretty much all of it, you know-"

I quickly cut him off. "Yep, forget that you have that werewolf shit." I groan as he just laughed.

"I canceled on Kira..I eventually caught on for what Scott was trying to do." He scooted a little closer.

"What was he trying to do?" I shrugged as I turned to face him.

He took a sharp breath in and made eye contact with me.

"This." He stated.

He pulled me in and started to kiss me. It wasn't like a small peck it was actually genuine and sweet.

We pulled apart and yet kissed again. His soft lips against mine, the cologne he was wearing pulling its scent closer to me.

"Scott was trying to make me jealous?" I questioned.

Liam shook his head and took my hand into his. "No, it was more for me to understand who I liked. I realized I can't see myself going on a date with someone else unless it's you. I know your sister, Y/n and how she turns everyone on but, oh baby..I have no doubt because I know you are the one I want." Liam smirked and pulled me closer into his grasp.

"You're the one I want."


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