Younger Girlfriend- Stiles.

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"Are you going to Lydia Martin's party?" Liam questioned, taking a grape from my bag that I had packed in my lunch.

I smacked his hand away, only causing a smirk to grow onto his face as he happily took a bite out of the grape.

"I don't know, you know I usually don't go to parties." I informed.

"That is until you started dating THE Stiles Stilinski." He winked, teasingly.

I scoffed. "Could you not announce it to the whole lunchroom? We don't want everyone to know."

"And you told me because...?"

"Because you're my best friend, considering I was the first person you told you were a werewolf to- I felt as if I owed you a juicy secret." I smiled, and then took a bite into one of my grapes.

Mason came and sat beside Liam, looking between the two of us.
"Hey guys, what are we talking about?"

"Just Y/n's secret boyfriend." Liam sent a smirk to both of us.

Mine, along with Mason's eyes widened- causing me to quickly throw a grape at Liam. Liam on the other hand due to his fast reflexes was able to catch the food, and he simply popped it into his mouth.

"Secret boyfriend? I'm literally that single friend..who is it?" Mason asked.

"I can't tell you." I responded.

Mason raised an eyebrow. "I thought we agreed no more secrets?"

I sighed, "You promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I swear." He nodded.

"Stiles.." I admitted.

"Stiles? As in, Stilinski? As in the seventeen year old SENIOR?" Mason questioned.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Gimmie some girl." He placed his hand out for a high five, in which I was happily responded to. "So this means you're going to Lydia's party, right?" He clarified.

I sighed. "I don't you think he'd pay any attention to me?"

"Well, he's obviously paid attention to you before, how did you guys even get together? You're a sophomore Y/n." Mason reminded.

"I don't know, it kind of just happened. He saved me from being paralyzed by Tracy, and when he took me home..we kissed." I shrugged at the two boys in front of me.

Mason's mouth fell into a gasp, as did Liam's. "That's how it happened?" Liam asked.

I nodded, slowly. "Is it bad?" I asked, taking in their reaction.

"I mean, it's pretty cliche if you ask me.. but I was expecting a Romeo and Juliet thing. Did you keep it from your parents? Did you-" I laughed, interrupting Liam's questions.

"No, my parents are cool with it. Since my mom and dad are five years apart, they can't say much. Plus with his dad being the sheriff and all.."

"Well, what about his dad?" Mason intrigued.

I shrugged. "He seems cool with it."

"Then why don't you tell anyone?" Liam asked, while stealing another grape.

"Because.." I paused, not exactly knowing why we weren't telling anyone, it's his idea to keep it a secret. "We're just not ready to be public." I lied, making up a reason.

They nodded, as the bell soon rang. "Come on, we better get to class."


I walked through Lydia's front door with Liam and Stiles on each of my sides. We were met with tons of people from our school, holding cups and dancing to the music.

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