Unaffected. - Stiles.

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The sweet pure innocent boy Stiles Stilinski, the sarcastic oblivious boy I fell in love with.

Yet, the perfect sweet strawberry came into his view. She was perfect, green eyes that could send you through shock or could pursue you with anything.

Why can't this world be filled with simple answers, the coffee always be bitter. I always wanted something better. All I've ever gotten is broken promises, and lies- cruel, sick lies. It leaves me crushed and hopeless of wanting the love I crave most.

I sit back and wonder if I'll ever get it,

with him.


I walked into school with loose, dropped shoulders that were once high and proud.

Stiles, the one and only caught me out of my thoughts.

"Y/n! You're finally in school again, you've missed so much!" I looked down to see his hands linked with someone's and I could only imagine who.

"You and Lydia?" I mumbled out just enough for him to hear.

His ears propped up and sent a huge grin. "YEP!" He pulled her out from behind him, her snugged dress fitting on her basically getting girls and guys hooked.

"Good for you dude!" I sent a small smile back and quickly got out of his presence. I couldn't stand her getting the boy i've tried to get for years and she just walks in and gets him easily in months.


"Y/n?" Scott knocked on my door.

I didn't respond, I wasn't in the mood to explain my random disappearance.

"I know you are in here, just open up Y/n before I barge through this door." He called out which sent a groan out of me.

I opened the door trying to hide the fact that I was just sobbing seconds before.

He caught on almost immediately, of course he did.

"You found out didn't you?" He sighed.

Anger flashed through me and took it out on him.

"YOU KNEW SCOTT. YOU KNEW HOW I FELT FOR HIM AND COMING BACK TO THIS SCHOOL AFTER ANYTHING WAS HARD ENOUGH THEN I COME TO SEE HER AND- Lydia and Stiles holding hands, up against each other, madly in love. You knew and yet you kept this from me." I punched his chest multiple times getting the hurt, anger out of me that has been pushed aside for years.

He didn't complain once neither say anything at all yet he instead just held onto me and hugged me. He ran his hands through my hair trying to calm me down but how could anything be okay right now.

A creek through the door echoed into the room making me and Scott peer up at the boy in the doorway with a sorry look plastered on his face.

"I-I never knew..I'm sorry.." He whispered while looking down and disappointed with his actions.

"Say something!" Scott pushed my shoulder harshly, pushing me out of my comfort zone.

"What is there to say? I mean I wish I could say more, but what else would there be to say. You love her and not me." I forced myself to face reality and come face to face with the truth. "I have to live with it Stiles, you can't help your feelings."

"Stiles, baby! There you are, I was looking for you." Lydia smiled and kissed him in the doorway.

It felt like I could barely breathe, he looked so unaffected. That feeling made me want to never get out of bed again. He looked at me as she broke apart from his lips like he had moved on three weeks ago and was waiting for me to break right then and there.

I wasn't broken by him, but his actions.

He looked at me and it crushed me more than anything.

She kissed him so quick without a warning.

"Y/n, I-" Stiles quickly shut up as he was lost for words.

I just smiled at the boy letting him know it was okay, I smiled even though he isn't mine.  I smiled because I didn't want him to see how it effected me, I wanted him to be the happiest he could be.

Emotions shifting through his face, comfort through his eyes as he looked back at Lydia.

Even though all I wanted to do was cry in the moment, I'd still smile for him.

So I ran to catch him but the more I ran the further away he got.

I ran and ran and ran. I never got to him, I was still in the same place I started. It was a nightmare and there was no escape expect the other way.

Away from him.


"MADISON, WAKE UP! YOU CAN'T SLEEP IN FOREVER!" A loud scream, piercing through my ears to wake up and face this life.

As much as I wanted that to be real, it never will be. I'll never actually feel him or touch him or see him. I'll never get hurt by him.

I turned my head towards my laptop, Teen wolf paused on his face.

The only way to let this get easier with the
loss and grief of never having him was to leave it behind.

I guess it wasn't meant to be but god did I want it to work.

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