Does it mean anything? - Scott.

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Scott recently hasn't had time for me at all, which I get. I mean being the true alpha of the town, I don't think you would have time at all for anyone.

Everyone depended on him and it tired him out but he never let it show, expect when he came running to me. He rants and rants then just leaves.

As his girlfriend it makes me happy that he can trust me but then I realize I'm more of a therapist than a girlfriend to him.



"What am I to you?"

"My girlfriend?"

"Then treat me like it, if you don't have damn time for me then don't get in something you can't save."

I was waiting for my boyfriend in his room, it's been 2 hours since he just ran out of his room. He told me it would be like 10 minutes and here we are 2 hours and 10 minutes later.

I felt as if it was the right time to talk about what our relationship had came into.

Was it healthy? Toxic? Friends but just with a label?

I mean for now a good 3 months no love or affection was shared between us because he had been going through a lot. So I held back the talk between us because I don't want to put more on him.

But I was sick of it, sick of waiting on something that should just be ended.

As I heard a door barge open, I quickly looked up to see my boyfriend, out of breath?

"I'm sorry, I know I said it would be 10 minutes and it's-" He huffed.

"It's 2 hours later- where the hell were you Scott?" I stood up clearly hurt and upset with him.

"It's not important, what did you need?" He smiled as he took a step forward.

"See! That's what I'm talking about Scott!" I shout at him which made him jump a little at my sudden burst.

"What do you mean..?" He whispered slowly.

"You either hide everything from me or you make me your own therapist instead of a damn girlfriend." I huffed back at him.

"Y/n, you know you are more then that." He laughed then noticed I was serious.

"Am I? Am I really Scott?" I murmured back to him as I sat on his bed.

"Of course you are babe!" He scrambled around his bedroom trying to avoid this talk.

"Why are you avoiding the one thing that is destroying us?" I mumbled trying to get to the truth.

"Which is?" Scott peeked his head up at me.

"Your problems. Scott- I don't mean this in a bad way at all just you should solve your problems before committing to something you can't make time for, at all." I felt tears coming, I wasn't ready to do this but what was the other option at this point?

I wasn't doing this for me, I was doing this for him. He needed to save himself before us.

"But I love you!" He shot up, running over to me.

"I don't want you too, Scott I refuse for this to grow toxic between us- so I'm doing it the healthier way." He sent me a look, a look of hurt- guilt.

Was I doing the wrong thing? I didn't want him to guilt trip himself for this. For not making enough time for us, it wasn't his fault he had these things.

"Why don't you love me back?" He quickly grew angry.

"W-what?" I stuttered at his change of emotion. "I am so hopelessly in love with you Scott! I tried to stay with you for months but I'm sick and tired of waiting for this to get better and now I caught on- IT'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE." I tried to remain calm once again. "We don't work Scott, you should know this by now."

"But I want to try and that should matter, right?"

"Scott we can't do this." I state.

"I never cheated or lied- I didn't do anything to you for this to happen.." He mumbled.

I walked closer to him and caressed his face with my hands.

"I thought we agreed that we could make this work?!" He argued.

"You have yet proven that." I crossed my arms, letting my hands drop from his face.

He gritted his teeth at me, getting madder at the second. "You have no idea what I'm going through!"

"Then don't commit to someone when you can't even take care of yourself!" I yelled back in his face.

He remained quiet as I took another change to talk again. "This- this, it feels so good right? Us together? So don't you dare say I didn't want you because I went through hell and back for YOU! Just so you could guilt trip me about Allison." I spat out at him. "You used Allison's death as an advantage- MULTIPLE TIMES!"

'I think it would be good for us to get together, it can distract us from Allison's death.'

'Do you even care about my feelings? I just lost Allison, I don't want to talk Stiles.'

"I mean, Scott- did you even notice we ALL lost her. Issac moved because her death affected him so much! I mean for fuck sake, I lost my best friend and I had to push myself out of bed even when I wanted to just cry in bed for weeks- same for Lydia! You aren't the only person who lost her. You aren't the only person who matters in this." I informed to him as he glared at me.


"But, we don't work." I finished for him. "Allison's death is not something you should wore ship and shove in peoples faces so we baby you and let you have it easy, what because your a true alpha we should only feel bad for you?" I cooed at him.

"Stiles, your best friend got possessed and you barely cared. We didn't depend on you because you were a fucking Alpha or werewolf! We wanted you to figure something out because if it was you in that position- Stiles would do anything in his power to save your ass. Then as soon as he got saved you immediately had a fight with him and just left him all alone!"

"You left him alone during his worst times- did he ever do that to you? No! NO HE DIDN'T!" I shouted, making him feel what it felt like to be ignored, seconded place.

"You fucking kissed Lydia, his biggest crush and he forgave you. You- you made his life hell and he stood with you every second of it when he could of easily left you on your own- that's a true best friend. But you? You barely did that for him when he saved him self." I scoffed at him.

Scott stood there just speechless.

"I'm done with your bullshit, I hope it gets better for you- I truly hope it does. It's over." I sighed and walked out.

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